guess what i found

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Dear guys

I found here something called Sodasorb,
it works with the
Oxygers 57 CCR
And with the DC55 scr
The color is in French is called blanc casse
I don’t know how to say it in English though
But the translation is broken white.
Any ideas if this would work with the yellow box
Yes, it's what we commonly use for RBs in the US.

Sofnolime, as recommended by APD, is made by Molecular Products in the UK. Sodasorb is made by WR Grace & Co in the US. Common too is Dräger's Divesorb due to the amount of places that sell those.

They all do the same thing, bind the CO2 to get it out of your loop. They all contain a high amount of Calcium Hydroxide.

The right size granule is more important than the manufacturer. And for CE divers it might matter as usually a unit is certified with one of the three only. Drägers for example with their Divesorb, they obviously want to sell their supplies. CE cert is only valid with the matching absorbent. That's not an issue in this lawless country :wink: and shouldn't be in Lebanon either. But in Germany, that would not be in 'Ordnung'. :D

The sodasorb is popularoaoound the world and the newer formulation has some very impressive numbers.. Most places that have tourist submarines use the Grace product.. Its not uncommon for local dive operations to team up withh the sub operators to increase their order to get pricind cheaper.. Last year I was in Guam and I purchased it for $75 a keg and the dealer was making money.. it was the 4-8 mesh but even though it had to be shipped all the way to guam it was cheaper than I could get it locally.. (the stuff is manufactured near chicago)
Guys thanks for the help, but all I want to know is a YES or NO answer.
Of course thanks a lot for the explanation, don’t get me wrong here.
Is it safe to use it with the inspiration? If the sofnolime 797 is not available.The guy asked for 12 $ per kg. I think its to expensive ,what do u think about this?
the mesh in 4 - 8,
and to tell u something about my country there is only one machine for an instructor here and mine. no one know what is a ccr , of course some of them saw a picture of ahahaha .anyway no one care what i am diving and what i am using. but i do care i dont want to kill my self using the machine.
some friends ask me what is this wazza, and i answer then by:
this is our new coffee machine for the diving center ahahaha.
anyway , to go back to our discussion ,if u said yes its ok to use it
then tomorrow I will go and buy all the quantity he owns . the guy told me that he buys this stuff for our army and he just sold them 1000kg, wowow anyway he still have some so maybe if every one agree I will go and buy them.
Thanks again for the explanation and the help
... and salaam, Wazza ...

Now forgive me for asking, but if one adds up all your questions on this forum it really adds up to a CCR course, doesn't it? As there is a YBOD instructor in the Lebanon, why not get properly certified and get all these answers that way?:mean:

In this specific instance, no-one prevents you from using whatever you like in your scrubber, but since APD recommends Sofnolime, why even bother with anything else? :confused:

In short, if in doubt, don't use it. If you really want a yes or no answer ...:eek:ut:
Liability disclaimer... "APD only recommends sofnolime"

That out of the way... The testing was only done with sofnolime to rate its scrubber duration.. I have used RW grace 4-8 mesh many times.. In some places its the only stuff you can get.. just stay with the diving grade and stay away from medical grade (medical grade can have too much KOH in it)

SInce the size is larger you'll have to derate its duration.. You will have to make that decision on your own..

Grace also is now shipping a 6-12 mesh which its test results on another rebreather were only a few mins shorter per lb than sofnolime 8-12 but it retails for $80 a keg) instead of considerably more (and in my opionion well withing the variability of the scrubber itself)
... and in the Eastern Med come the spring, I think one could get away with most meshes. In colder climates, I'd still stay with the Sofnolime ...

But that's just me ...:D

Seriously, one really shouldn't push the scrubber. It will break through sooner or later. In my case, it'd better be muuuuuch later ....:wink:
Wazza is high level instructor he probably teaches RB, but he can clarify that himself. I don't think anyone could conclude the same thing as you from his questions, they would be legit from any rebreather user :)

-in my opinion.
Thanks diverbuoy
True I am a RB Instructor but the SCR, and I did clarify my certifications in an earlier post. Anyway I still did not take the inspiration course, I am just trying to learn things from here and there cos I like when I go to take the course would be easy for me and I don’t want to concentrate in the course on the easy things and waist my time with them, I like to go in more details and u cant do that if u don’t have some info your self.
Anyway some time the guys here give me the feeling not to post any questions cos I feel that they are annoyed from me, though I believe that from my questions other people can learn as well cos the answer is for the public not only for me, that is why we have the scubaboard .
Concerning the sofno if u go to madmole’s survey results u can see that some people did use other then 797 grade sofno with the inspiration and that where questions comes from (some time) or u wonder .
Anyway I would like to say thanks for all the help I had from the lovely guys here.
See u in an other post take care
DiverBuoy, no, Wazza is not an Inspiration instructor, he hasn't even taken the Module One course, so technically he isn't even a certified Inspiration diver. And that was pretty obvious from all of his postings so far. :(

High-level instructors - like all other advanced OC divers - which are Inspiration newbies do not have a great safety record on the YBOD, as many here have pointed out.

However, it's a free world and anybody is - and must be - allowed to post questions. Far be it for me to create any bad will on the forum by criticizing one of its most active members. But I really thought Wazza was trying to skip out on the course itself ...

I'm therefore very happy that Wazza has clarified that he uses this forum as a means to prepare for the Module One course! :)

That's great! He'll make a great student and another fine Turtle user.:D


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