First off, I am going to appoligize for the hijack of this thread, but I feel its warranted to set the record straight on a few things that in my opinion have been grossly misrepresented here..
Hello Nick (scubamarketing)
Sorry for being late to the party. I think that I may have missed the invite.
So, to be clear to everyone on this thread, including you:
I am the GUE Instructor that Nick is mentioning here and of course Nick is completely entitled to opinion and feedback and I welcome and value any feedback given after class. (btw - I have not had a single piece of feedback or any communications from you to this effect until reading this post..)
There are a couple of points I do wish to clarify with the group here and also make clear to you, Nick.
1. Your fundamentals class was scheduled for May 31, 2012 - June 03, 2012 and as a reminder, you did not have ANY equipment for the class and I gave you a FULL set of my personal brand new Halcyon gear, including tanks and 32% breathing gas completely
FREE of rental fee or charge.
2. The Visibility on Day 1 Dive 1 (Alki Cove 2) was outside of the GUE published standards and for YOUR safety I am not entitled to break those standards.. Not only do we have visibility requirements in the standards, but we also have an instructor to student ratio limit of 1:3 for safety reasons and for your enjoyment of the class. These classes are less about how many people you as an instructor can stick in a class, but rather focused around the safety of the students and providing a conducive learning experience and making that experience a positive one for the students.
3. The 2nd dive attempt in Lake Washington on that same day was even worse after you and your team mates kicked up the silty lake bottom sufficiently enough that we could not continue.
4. The 3rd attempt the next day at 3Tree North, we encountered substantial current that not only blew you and your entire team off the downline by 500ft with a complete team seperation, but visibility was border line. additionally, that kind of strong current is unfortunately not conducive to a good and safe learning experience.
5. This is when I called a spade a spade and rescheduled.. I did
NOT cancel the class.. The class was rescheduled (as you will probably be reminded by the email chain below..)
6. You did
NOT complete a fundies class..
you attended a couple days of classroom theory and did not complete even half of Dive 1 (There are 6 to 7 dives in the class).
To refresh your memory, below is the email thread between us spanning over 12 months in attempting to get you to commit to a schedule for completing your fundamentals class.. I invited you to stay at my home with free breathing gas and full equipment use to make things as easy for you as possible..
ALL you had to do was show up...
Incidentally, your 2 team mates in this class have subsequently successfully completed their GUE Fundamentals class a few weeks after the initial class dates when conditions forced me to reschedule it for safety reasons..
If you dont care to re-read the entire email chain between us where I asked you at least 4 or 5 times to commit when you can finish the class, feel free to skip to the bottom of this thread...
Begin forwarded message:From: Koos Du Preez <>
Subject: Completion of Fundies dives.
Date: June 5, 2012 1:07:12 PM PDT
To: [recipients email addresses redacted.]
Greetings Gentlemen!
Looking at the past weekend's viz and general diving conditions, it seems like Mother Nature had it in for us!
Sorry we could not complete the dives as planned, but I hope you can appreciate that besides the safety factor of bad viz and currents, you are just not getting the learning opportunity owed to you if we had to muscle through the conditions.
So - I would like to get a few dives on the schedule (conditions pending).
@xxx - please send me your schedule since your time constraints are the limiting factor that I would like to work around.
Same goes for the rest of you, please give an indication of whats best and what doesn't work at all for your schedules to complete the dives.
We to complete at least 4-5 dives to cover All Kicks, Basic5, S-Drill, Valve-Drill, SMB Deployment, No-Mask Swim, Experience dive.
If we get good conditions we should be able to catch these up in a couple of days.
Then with regards to the Exam, I would like to sit down with you and grade the exams and we can do that after a dive. So please remember to bring those folders with you next time.
You replied with this..
From: Nick Bostic <Email address redacted>
Subject: Re: Completion of Fundies dives.
Date: June 5, 2012 1:56:01 PM PDT
To: Koos Du Preez <>
Aside from the 12 & 13 of this month, I'm pretty open. If we need to look into next month, let me know, but I know it's quite a bit busier.
I then sent a few dates along with this message to ask you let me know when will work for you..
Begin forwarded message:From: Koos du Preez <>
Subject: Re: Completion of Fundies dives.
Date: June 7, 2012 8:56:51 PM PDT
To: [redacted[
Cc: [redacted], Nick Bostic
xxx and xxxx, let's put Tuesday and Wednesday on the calendar for
dives for 4:30 onwards.
Nick let me know if you can join for one of these. we can try do a
dive per weeks or whatever works for your schedule.
over the course of next few dives, need to do:
valve drill
smb shoot
no mask swim
After NOT hearing from you for 2 weeks.. Sent you this:
From: Koos Du Preez <>
Subject: Hey Nick!
Date: June 14, 2012 9:32:34 PM PDT
To: Nick Bostic
Hey Nick,
hows things going!
Havent heard from you in a while and hope all is OK.
I wanted to see if you have interest to come up for a couple of days and stay here at our place and we finish fundies as well as do a few fun dives?
To wich you replied and appologized for not getting back to me with this:
From: Nick Bostic
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: June 15, 2012 11:37:37 PM PDT
To: Koos Du Preez <>
Hey, sorry, I just started using a new service that's supposed to help prioritize my email and it decided you weren't high priority
I definitely have interest. My car started running a bit funny today, so I need to get it checked out before I can commit to when exactly, but I should be able to get it in to my guy early next week and will let you know what my schedule is looking like.
I then replied back asking you to send me dates that will work for you..
From: Koos Du Preez <>
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: June 16, 2012 1:08:16 AM PDT
To: Nick Bostic
no problem. I wont take it personally or feel any less important
let me know a tentative schedule and lets see how we can make it fit.
You then went dark for about a month without replying back with any possible dates.. and I pinged you again..
Begin forwarded message:
From: Koos Du Preez <>
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: July 10, 2012 12:00:09 AM PDT
To: Nick Bostic
Hi Nick,
Just checking in to see if you have an idea of what your schedule will permit to finish up those dives?
You appologized again and said you wanted to do it in this reply:
From: Nick Bostic
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: July 17, 2012 6:07:40 PM PDT
To: Koos Du Preez <>
Sorry, you got me right as I was getting ready to head out to work in the woods for the better part of a week. I'm out of town Tomorrow through Monday, but then I have quite a bit more availability between next week and the end of August. Should we just keep an eye on viz or has it been pretty consistent lately?
I replied back wanted to get some dates from you again..
From: Koos Du Preez <>
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: July 18, 2012 10:54:09 PM PDT
To: Nick Bostic
Viz has been holding for the past couple weeks. I have a fundies class starting next thursday-sunday so let me know what your schedule is like after that?
You again went dark for a month and I pinged you AGAIN to ask for some dates that will work for you..
From: Koos du Preez <>
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: August 20, 2012 9:32:29 PM PDT
To: Nick Bostic
Hey Nick,
Viz has been fairly good as of late. let me know if/when you can make it up this way for some diving!
You replied, again appologizing for being busy and said you will for sure be ready after burning man..
Begin forwarded message:
From: Nick Bostic
Subject: Re: Hey Nick!
Date: August 21, 2012 2:08:09 PM PDT
To: Koos du Preez <>
At the moment I'm prepping for Burning Man and will be out there a week from today through two weeks from today. After that, give me 3 hours notice and I'll be there
After almost 3 months of trying my best to schedule something with you and inviting you to my home to stay and offering free dive gas and equipment, I decided to stop haunting you to complete the class..
[EDIT - I am going to profusely appoligize, Nick let me know privately this morning that unbeknownst to me, I missed a single Facebook message.. This was a reply to another request of mine in April 2013 to complete the classs - see below.. He requested his class be transferred to Mexico.. I missed this message, but even so, transfers are not possible ]
Although in my opinion, a follow up on this request was maybe warranted. There was never any follow up and also no reply on my subsequent communications that clearly indicate I missed this Facebook message...
So, in June of 2013,
After a year of not receiving any commitments or requests to complete the class, the statute of limitations on leaving GUE Fundies classes open, pretty much had sufficiently lapsed and I needed to close the records..
I emailed you with this communication below, again asking you to let me know how I can help you complete the class. You did not respond to this email below.
From: Koos du Preez <>
Subject: Fundies Class
Date: June 10, 2013 10:53:31 PM PDT
To: Nick Bostic
Hello Nick!
I hope all is well, as its certainly been a while since we spoke!
I had to close your GUE Fundamentals registration after 12 months or the original course and unfortunately at this point you would need to complete the class again in its entirety and I can not give any credit for the classroom or diving that we have already done.
However, You were a pretty good diver, astute candidate and all round cool guy and I really think you will enjoy doing a fundies class a lot and if you ever decide to do the class again, please do let me know and I will do everything I can do be accommodating.
I have yet to receive a reply on the email above… The first response I got to above was this Scubaboard post.
As you can probably clearly gather, I have tried pretty much everything I could to help you complete this class except coming down to Oregon and chauffeur you to a dive location and complete the class..
I REALLY apologize if you had a bad experience in the first days you attended the class and the few failed attempts we had at Dive 1 due to conditions.
GUE Fundamentals course is normally conducted over four days,
requires at least 6 dives and at least 30 hours instruction, encompassing classroom, land drills and in-water work.
Based on your participation in a very small part of a GUE Fundamentals class and without completing even a single class dive in its entirety, I don't think that you have a remotely fair view of the class as a whole.
This is quite evident in the jaded opinion you have been voicing here.
All this said, Nick. If you still wish to do a GUE Fundamentals class, I pledge to give you a FREE spot in any one of my upcoming GUE Fundamentals classes any time scheduled from today (January 8, 2014) for the next 12 months..
The same offer still stands: you can come and stay at my home and I will provide you with all the gear and the breathing gas thats required to finish this class.. All you need to do is show up..