Guy Alcala
I'm kind of torn about your situation. While I understand why you kept the names of the instructors out of the "class report", I also wonder if other instructors are then partially (yet unfairly) cast in the same light.
I have read a few class reports recently that have left me scratching my head as the experience I have had personally and my observations of local GUE classes could not be more completely different than what you posted and what others have posted recently in some class reports.
A couple of specific examples:
- My local dive club posts some pics from each of the classes. For each class, you can clearly see that each drill is practiced first on land before it is tried in the water.
- the instructors in my area are generally flexible with scheduling their classes. Recently, they seem to be following the two weekends format. I don't personally think this provides any time in between sessions to practice but it does offer one a chance to take a step back, get some rest, repair gear, etc.
You do have time to practice some of the drills (dry). I practiced the basic 5 during commercials, sitting in my gear on the floor leaning against the corner of my bed. And it was nice to have the time off to decompress a little from class. I would hate to do fundies in a single bloc of time, although if you have to travel a long distance to the class you'd probably have to.
- The instructors in my area have two basic sites that they can use for the in ocean portion of the class. One site is free (other than parking), the other site costs about $20/day more per student. I guess they spend two days in the ocean so the students wind up paying an extra $40 more to do the other, more preferable site. Though as I understand it, it's the students' choice.
Yes, it is. My class opted for Breakwater because two of us were using doubles de novo, and the other only had limited expereince in them. We didn't want to deal with getting ourselves up and down the usually slick boat ramp at Lobos with all the extra unfamiliar weight on our backs, in addition to everything else. Plus, the vis in the cove is often poor. As it turned out, we had 5'-8' at BW throughout the class, so that was a wash.
I guess the point I am trying to get at is that a lot of the issues you are speaking of are not inherent to GUE but might be specific to the instructors/locations/situations involved. For those who are considering GUE classes, I would say that there are plenty of people who consider the GUE programs to be as good as any and better than most of the other scuba programs out there. However, it does not guarantee that your experience will be to your satisfaction just because it is a GUE class. After all, proper expectations on your part and good execution on the instructor's part are still probably more important than the name of the agency.
Yep. Like Bob (NW Gratefuldiver) the diving I usually do doesn't fit in all that well with GUE protocols, but the class was still the best money I've ever spent on scuba training. But I didn't experience anything like the class problems mentioned here.