You get much more your money's worth out of the class if you actually let the instructor teach you something . . . And you'll learn it right the first time.
Ok, so maybe when I get into something, I tend to "dive" in head first (pun fully intended!) and go overboard.
TSandM, I understand your point and agree to a certain extent. My point, however, is that if you can get comfortable with most of the skills beforehand, you will
definitely get more out of the course. I'm not necessarily talking about doing a perfect Basic 5. I'm mostly referring to keeping your buoyancy and trim under control while being task loaded. That's the base right there. Think how much easier it would be to get a provisional because you need to clean up a few things (like my light cord example) rather than to fail because you can't even maintain your position in the water or shoot up while doing #5 of the Basic 5.
One of the comments made by instructor to my Fundies buddy was that he lacked "situational awareness". Meaning, for example, that while attempting a valve drill, he was so consumed with controlling his own lack of buoyancy that he didn't notice that he was almost vertical (tyring to swim down to control his ascent) and that the instructor was trying to signal him with his light. I also know of at least 3 people who took Fundies, got frustrated during the class, failed rec, and have given up entirely. Also, keep in mind that there is a time limit for getting your checkout after a fail or provisional. Otherwise you need to take the course again. I think it's six months.
GUE has rolled out a Fundies "primer" course - along with a few other courses. I just saw an email today from Andreas also announcing a new DS and Doubles course.
This is the type of course that one would take
without any advanced prep just to learn the basic skills in order to later practice them and THEN be ready for more learning and taking full advantage of Fundies.
I like Doc Harry's list. I think this is the minimum to shoot for in order to have an outstanding experience in Fundies - i.e., finish with a
