I think it's silly to practice for the class to any great extent. That's just a wicked expensive way to show off. Take a class to learn, not demo. If you don't pass, you have plenty of time to then go practice before getting re-evaled (for those flying the instructor in, I can see a desire to pass first go, otherwise, who cares.).
If you're going to work on anything, it should be getting comfortable in the gear you'll use for the class. Focus on buoyancy first, and trim secondly. If you can hook up with local DIR divers before then, great, if not, no big deal. If you're comfortable in the water, you have all the basis you'll need to get a lot out of the class.
I half agree and half don't. I think it's important to remember what fundies is: a class to prep people for other GUE courses.
Some people may need a lot of work to get to that basic level. For them, I agree. Make the class as much of a learning experience as possible.
However, there are plenty of people (I'll take the easy road and suggest students of post-GUE Andrew G) who could pass DIR/F without breaking a sweat, but are still forced to take it in order to progress to Tech/Cave. For those, it serves as a highly expensive demo.
I really think GUE would be well served by allowing people to challenge Fundies the way I challenged some math and sciences courses at engineering school. If they can pass without going through the rigamaroll, let them move on without the hit to the pocketbook.