HI Kosta,
I saw from your profile that you got a rec pass, which surprised me because I remember on a past post, you being a big advocate of teaching O/W students in trim ... I think I said I did some of my O/W drills with RAID on my knees and you were surprised.
What was the feedback that you needed to do extra to get a teck pass? Will you go back to get a teck pass?
I did fundies in Mar 2019 ... but in Sydney ( a long way from my hometown Perth) I haven't been able to get back and have a second go for many reasons, the majority COVID related, but I have also found good instructors (outside of GUE). I was scheduled to go to Philippines and have another go, next week, but had to cancel because I just tested positive. I'd like to do it, but there are alot of of other competing diving goals as well.
I watched a You-Tube interview with Gideon Liew, talking about the lack of cross over in GUE and he said something along the lines of, if you can get through Fundies and you have other technical and/or instructor experience you can progress quite quickly through GUE. This statement surprised me, as I wouldn't have thought that was the case looking from outside, I mean having to do Cave 1 & 2 before sidemount for example.