DIR- GUE GUE blessing new CCR model in next 2 years?

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Also, "glorified AN/DP", seriously?! This is DIR; AN/DP cannot be glorified; AN/DP is a deep air course; deep air is outright stupid.

AN/DP can be done with helitrox.

Edit: standards say 2 of the dives must be deeper than 100’. Nothing says you must do deep air dives for an/DP. I wouldn’t do 150’ without helium but god isn’t going to kill a kitten at 110’.
AN/DP can be done with helitrox.

Edit: standards say 2 of the dives must be deeper than 100’. Nothing says you must do deep air dives for an/DP. I wouldn’t do 150’ without helium but god isn’t going to kill a kitten at 110’.
Standards exist to mitigate risks, and reduce the pressure to incur additional risk because of logistical or cost considerations.

You have to draw the line somewhere. Why would you not do 150 but would do 110? What specific metrics are you looking at to make that decision.
Standards exist to mitigate risks, and reduce the pressure to incur additional risk because of logistical or cost considerations.

You have to draw the line somewhere. Why would you not do 150 but would do 110? What specific metrics are you looking at to make that decision.

My subjective opinion is based off of how I’ve felt in the past being narced between 100’ and 165’ with and without helium. 165’ is TOO DAMN DEEP. At 100’ I am aware of the narc but not particularly concerned. 165 is my deepest without helium and I’ll never do it again, I’m glad to have done it once to actually know what it’s like and why it’s a terrible idea.

Objectively , the only thing I have is gas density issues setting a limit which coincides well with my personal subjective limits. Just because I have those limits does not mean I spend my time chasing depth, my limit is a hard limit I won’t cross without helium and usually my CCR. I avoid approaching my limit without a good reason. I’m not going to pretend I can objectively measure narcosis, that I’m somehow immune, or that I have a tolerance; no one has done an adequate job quantifying narc analytically as far as I know therefore anyone’s depth limit based off of narcosis is inherently subjective.

TL/DR, I am on team helium but I find the 100’ limit overly conservative.
My subjective opinion is based off of how I’ve felt in the past being narced between 100’ and 165’ with and without helium. 165’ is TOO DAMN DEEP. At 100’ I am aware of the narc but not particularly concerned. 165 is my deepest without helium and I’ll never do it again, I’m glad to have done it once to actually know what it’s like and why it’s a terrible idea.

Objectively , the only thing I have is gas density issues setting a limit which coincides well with my personal subjective limits. Just because I have those limits does not mean I spend my time chasing depth, my limit is a hard limit I won’t cross without helium and usually my CCR. I avoid approaching my limit without a good reason. I’m not going to pretend I can objectively measure narcosis, that I’m somehow immune, or that I have a tolerance; no one has done an adequate job quantifying narc analytically as far as I know therefore anyone’s depth limit based off of narcosis is inherently subjective.

TL/DR, I am on team helium but I find the 100’ limit overly conservative.
What's your gas density and END limits, and what did you base it on?
Its amazing how everyone will take their recommendations on gradient factors, but thumb their noses at their recommendation on gas density.

You need to go re-read what I wrote and what they wrote.

I ain’t thumbing my nose at ****, their choice of adjectives denotes a range with associated risks.

That other dude was spreading FUD about a different agency , that’s where this began.

Since this is the GUE / DIR forum and mod / end has nothing to do with any new CCR ,I’ll bow out now and take my lashings like a man. Last word is yours

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