Can anyone describe what cage diving with great whites is like in Guadalupe Island? That might be #1 on my to do list, but I'm hoping it's worth it for just a handful of days. I HAVE to see these things in person before people kill them all off, I'm just hoping that after seeing the first three, that it doesn't become mundane. I know I sound spoiled when I say that I got kind of tired of seeing mantas in the Maldives, but I think when you're somewhere that's known for many things - including whale sharks, you have your hopes up to see them all. (not only did we not see the huge numbers of mantas, we didn't see many sharks much less any whale sharks) When you go somewhere for one thing in particular, I'd hope you wouldn't get tired of it. I don't know how you COULD get tired of seeing something 18 feet long, but just curious. That's another trip that's fairly expensive, especially for only 4 or 5 days. I know they can't guarantee sightings, but I'd be beside myself if I shelled out that kind of scratch to look at blue water.