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Massachusetts USA
Hey folks:
Greetings from the Northeast. I'm not normally one who participates in online discussions, but just a few short hours of reading past threads and I'm itching to board this ship! I am a relatively new diver, 21 OW dives from the rocky Massachusetts coastline, and rent most of my gear excluding tank, mask, fins, and gloves. My hunt for gear is on to be used in Spring 2002. I'm sure I will have many gear questions in the near future. Preemptory thanks to all those whom are able to help. You all out there seem great!!
What with the rest of your countrymen/women off stuffing their faces with turkey, let a Canuck welcome you to the fun and games.

There are a few, well I call 'em unique individuals out there that you might want to watch out for, (they know who they are and will soon identify themselves hehehehe) but basically we're all friendly folks.
Thanks DivingGal,
I'll keep my eyes peeled. Now it's time for me to stuff my face with turkey.
Welcome Scubadent!

Yes, some of us are a little "loose", but if you've been lurking you probably know that already...

Lots of great info with a wealth of experience on this board. Not to mention the civility of the tone of this board compared to others.

If you've got questions, fire away!

Happy turkey day!
What is this ???? Have I discovered a new strange new world ?
A scuba board where people are actually nice to each other and really want to just share the great sport of diving ?

I hope so. Looking forward to sharing with y'all. CU on the boards.

Foothills Diver
and a still digesting WARM welcome from ARIZONA

yep, that's exactly what you've found. i know it's hard to believe if you've looked at some of the other places, but it's true!

welcome aboard!
Scubadent and foothillsdiver.....a big Texas HOWDY. Jump right in, you're welcome!
To Scubadent and foothillsdiver,
Welcome from NJ.
Yes, this is a pretty unique board-lots of good people with many answers, questions, experiences to share, and humor to laugh with.
As dee said, jump in and enjoy,

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