I'm working on getting approved for after event diving. For now, here is the rundown on the event.
Times for the Greenbo Treasure Hunt
10:00-11:00am Registration in the lobby of the Lodge
11:15am Safety Briefing in the Conference Center
12:00-1:30pm Treasure Hunt in the lake near the community pool
2:00pm Lunch/Prizes in the Conference Center
Other info
1. Breakfast kiosk will be set up in the lobby to sell sandwiches, fruit, drinks, etc durring registration.
2. Divers pay $60 which inclu...des T-shirt, prizes, and Lunch buffet.
3. Spectators will be charged for meals in the dining room.
4. Apackage rate will be established to encourage divers to come in on Friday and stay one or two nights.
Purpose of the event
1. Provide a test run of the facility for the spring opening.
2. Obtain feedback from divers on facility and set-up.
3. Raise funds for the dive refuge development and improvements.
4. To market the facility to divers and promote the spring opening.
---------- Post Merged on September 14th, 2012 at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous Post was on September 13th, 2012 at 02:58 PM ----------
The registration number has changed. It is now to be done through Greenup county tourism. (606)834-0007. If it changes again, I'm going to quit helping.