Grand Cayman DC1200 pics - got em

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Here are a few of the best pics from our family's trip to Grand Cayman a few weeks ago. We were part of Kids Sea Camp, sponsored by SeaLife! Most of these photos are from a DC1200 demo (with 1 external flash and wide angle lens). A couple are from the Reefmaster Mini they gave my son. Also, one is from iPhone, and one from Casio EX-FH20.










Reefmaster Mini






Casio EX-FH20


Luggage vs. Car (iPhone)
Good Pictures Jeff. Thanks for sharing. I love the tube sponges in Grand Cayman. (That's what I have in my avatar). I was down there in June with my son as well. The pictures in my profile are from that trip using a Sealife EcoShot. I can vouch for the fact that the EcoShot depth limit of 75 ft is pretty accurate. My camera freezes if I get much below that. Hoping to upgrade to the DC1200 (or even the DC1000) before too long.

I want to go back soon. Don't you?
Good pictures. It sounds like you didn’t have any SeaLife camera at all before trying the DC1200. How experienced are you in underwater photography and in photography in general? It is hard to expect pictures that good from someone who had no experience before.
I wonder how deep you were while taking pictures. I guess that you couldn’t dive much deeper than 30’ with your son.
I am impressed with the difference between the DC1200 and the Reefmaster. External strobe and wide angle do matter.
Thnx for the pix
Thanks for sharing I am currently looking to buy a underwater camera and was researching the DC 1200. Nice pictures.
Good pictures. It sounds like you didn’t have any SeaLife camera at all before trying the DC1200. How experienced are you in underwater photography and in photography in general? It is hard to expect pictures that good from someone who had no experience before.
I wonder how deep you were while taking pictures. I guess that you couldn’t dive much deeper than 30’ with your son.
I am impressed with the difference between the DC1200 and the Reefmaster. External strobe and wide angle do matter.

Hey plok!

I had never used a SeaLife camera before this trip. In the past, I took a fair number of pictures with a Canon S500 and underwater housing, and learned about some of the basics of underwater photography. On dry land, I'm a very amateur photographer, that only takes general family type photos. I am an engineer (image science), but that's more about image reproduction, not artisitc photography.

I'm glad you liked the photos. Considering the hundreds that didn't turn out very well, maybe it was just dumb luck.

I can't recall my exact depth when taking the photos, but I was diving as deep as 100ft. Most of them are probably 50 feet or less. I force myself to do closeup work, unless shallow enough to get good sunlight. I really really want to get a turtle photo shallow or up close, but chances are slim.

All the diving with my son was in 15' of water. He and the other kids tended to kick up a lot of silt, so it was hard to get good photos after the first few minutes.

I'm not sure if it is fair to compare the reefmaster and DC1200 using my photos. The DC1200 was setup right, and I used it all week. The reefmaster only had internal flash, and was mostly used by my son or by me at shallow depths. If I had the reefmaster all week, I'm sure I could have gotten better pictures, but maybe not as good as the 1200.

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