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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Chapel Hill, NC
Well, I just got home from a wonderful trip to the Cayman Islands. It was a very nice place, albeit prohibitively expensive (alas, I digress), with excellent coral formations. But upon returning home I opened my bag and came to the conclusion that my gear stunk. I know you know how it is. Don't even try to lie about it. So I used the ubiquitous anti-stink goo (you know the stuff that tradespeople are giving away in those little yellow packages). I commandeered a bathtub and commenced washing. Right now it's all drying on the porch.

But to get to the point, when you guys get back from an excursion, how do you clean your gear? any traditions, tips, or tricks?

We throw all our gear in the jacuzzi and turn it on for about 20 minutes. Seems to do the trick!

i have a 60 gallon plastic tub that i soak my gear in.
Works great:D
A lbottle of Listerine Cool Mint in the bathtub or laundry tub works great-and a lot cheaper than the stuff they sell at the LDS.

Amount as needed.

PS-Any flavor will work!
Naaa I got one of them small ones that you drain and fill like a bathtub.

1) Let it soak a good long while....

2) On say your BC or anything with zippers or pockets or that can be turned inside it up and flush it out! If it can be turned inside out do so and wash it on both sides (wet suit etc). On your BC, get a big cup and puour the water into pockets, cracks and crevices etc etc......

Good luck with it.....if you don't get it WILL know it. :eek: !!

Just wondering, since the topic is on washing up, I normally leave my gear to soak for a day (at least, until I muster the energy to take it out to dry). 2 questions:

1. Is there a maximum length of time I should leave my gear to soak? Any particular equipment/material I shouldn't soak for so long? I don't put any cleaning chemicals or soap in there which might corrode or destroy parts. Can't speak for the chlorine/fluorine in the tap water though.

2. After taking it out, there's normally this, umm, slimy, oozy thin film covering the rubber and synthetic rubber parts of my gear, like on my reg hoses, mask strap, fins. What is this stuff? Is it bad for the gear? What should I do with it? Does anyone else know what I'm referring to?

Any help appreciated.

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