Which ops do their SIs on shore? I've never heard of that. Might be interesting. The closest I've seen is going to the 'pee pee pier' for a quick bio-break!
Deep Blue does their SI on shore. Depending on where the first dive was done or where the second dive may be, I've SI'd at Paradise Beach Club, the Conch Pier (pee pee pier?), Palancar and sometimes elsewhere, for instance, Cielo because the first dive was at Maracaibo and the second was to be at Colombia Shallows. Once we SI'd at what I think may have been mangroves. The captain got out and went into the trees and came back with 4 different coconuts of varying ripeness. He (Chono) opened all of them so we could sample and experience the difference in taste and texture based on the ripeness. Over the years, there have been other field trip SIs too. I suspect other shops do the same depending on the circumstances.