Gonna get certified.....

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east coast of central FL
My husband, who has been certified for 25 years, has finally convinced me to do the same. I have no problem jumping out of a perfectly good airplane (but he won't!), but the thought of running into a shark underwater (yes, I saw Jaws as a child and it has affected me my entire life!) and not being able to breathe so completely terrifies me, that I haven't been able to do it. But I have made up my mind and next spring, my best friend and I (who can jump out of an airplane, too!) are going to take the class so we can dive with our husband's. THEN, I told her we should just go to Walker's Cay and do the dang shark dive and get it over with!!!!
Any stories on your first time out that you would like to share???
Hi Kathryn,

Welcome to Scuba Board and Scuba Diving. I have a feeling if you can really jump out of an airplane, you will have no trouble with scuba diving.

One thing to keep in mind when you do take your class is to ask tons of questions and practice all the skills until you are comfortable.

Before your class, you might want to post any questions you have here on the board. Everyone is really great about giving solid answers and good feedback and the divers that use this board have tons of experience.

Anyway, glad to have you aboard. If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.

I'm sure you'll love scuba. Welcome to the dive board. I have a brief shark story.
I went to UNEXSO to do the shark feeding dive there, a few years ago.
There were 22 other divers on the boat, and they told us to expect about 32 sharks or so.
Well, I happened to be at the end of the boat,and when we arrived at the site, the feeder diver, said to me, " Go on jump in, I'll be down with the food soon."
I replied, " You want me to be the first one in?" I think I'll step back a bit". And believe me I did. Ha!
I ended up being about the 5th in, with sharks circling us everywhere. The dive went well, and the sharks only ate the shark food, so don't fret, and have fun!
Have a bit of shark experience myself.
When I got divorced my ex-wife's attorney must of been kin to a GREAT WHITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kathryn!!

I'm sure you'll love scuba! For a person able to jump out of an airplane (and like it!) it seems strange that you have doubts about diving!

Scuba diving not nearly as adventurous as sky diving, at least if we are talking about normal recreational diving.
It is relaxing, easy and fun!! Just cruising along, weightless, looking at beautiful fish and coral or plants.

As for the sharks, they are normally not a problem, quite the contrary! Consider yourself lucky to be in a place where you actually have the chance to see a shark!! Not many around in Sweden, I can tell you..

Seriously, if you are worried, then read as much as you can about sharks, what kinds to expect in the waters you are in, how they behave, how you should behave etc. And I am now talking about serious books, not the ones that just are out to scare you even more...
If you know a lot about sharks and behavior it will probably be a lot less scary for you when and if you encounter one in real life.

Also, you might consider taking the course and your first dives in fresh water, like a lake or quarrie, to not have to worry about anything but learning how to dive and handle the equipment. After you feel comfortable and have gained some experience, you can move out to the ocean and start "shark watching", kind of like bird watching and take notes of all the species you have seen!! To make it into something positive, I mean!

Good luck in life and diving!
I think my fear of sharks has to do with living on the east coast of central Florida. There ARE a lot of shark attacks here. In fact, right across the street from my office, about 4 years ago, a child was attacked and never seen again. Of course, these attacks are generally in the surf and involve surfers. I was told by the owner of the local dive shop (she and her husband are friends of my husband, who has a charter business and actually takes out divers....)that I have more of a chance of being attacked by something snorkleing than diving. SO, with that thought in mind, I have made up my mind and I'm going to do it. Thanks for all of your posts!
Hi Kathryn: My certification instructor said something in class that I will never forget: Many many sharks are expected to be endangered within our lifetimes and if you have the chance to see them go for it, because the opportunities will only lessen with time. I also went out with a divemaster who had befriended a nurse shark (and not by feeding her). As we were swimming along I sensed something larger than usual above, behind, and in close proximity to me. She was swimming toward the divemaster, and after we stilled ourselves she swam right up and let us pet her. It was amazing. Of course I would never approach a shark, but my friend who was very familiar with this particular reef (Molasses) by Key Largo, FL had prepared me in advance for the possibility. I understand that nurse sharks are extremely docile, only aggressive if defensive. Perhaps you might do some diving in this area where a nurse shark is the most likely shark you might encounter.
OMG! I have snorkeled in Key Largo so many times and in so many places! And I think Molasses Reef is one of them! If that nurse shark had swam up to me.......<EEEK>
Seriously, I am looking forward to spring and getting certified!
Heya Kathryn,

I share your twisted affliction of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, but I try to explain to people that it is better than jumping out of a disabled and burning airplane!

I think I would have to say many consider me alittle extra warped, hehe. Try jumping out of a perfectly good airplane (in dive gear) into shark infested waters! HOORAHH! Now there is the thrill of a life time!


Hey King Neptune - you win! Where did you do that at????

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