Going to Mermet Spring, Ill in May

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Folks you missed a great weekend of diving.

All the rain came before my wife and I's arrival on Friday. However the previous rains mucked up vis to 3-4 ft between the surface and 40 ft, below 40 it was 20-30 ft vis. Every day the vis cleared until on Sunday upper water column vis was at about 8 ft while still very clear below 40 ft.

We arrived on Friday setup up a weekend camp after having our choice of campsites since we were the 1st guests of the weekend. We chose the campsite on the back cove with a dock and room for 10 cars and as many tents with a covered area and drying racks.

Glenn Faith the owner has a nice operation there, Almost anywhere you can stage a dive from he has a covered table for you already on site and racks to hang your wet gear on to dry. Along with a trash can and picnic tables close to each area.

The staff there goes above normal service to ensure every one has a great dive.

Since my last visit to the site last year Glenn now has underwater speakers so when your doing a night dive or any other dive when they have the speakers on, you can hear Ozzy underwater...

Friday started out slow the wife and I getting a dive in on the 747 and a cessna and school bus. Vis was poor not sure how any pics will come out, since I have a crappy camera. Surface temp was 74, 1st thermo cline 59, temp at the 85ft platform was 40.

We called it an early night since we had just traveled 13 hours to get there. The local wildlife was spooking my wife (coon wanting our chow) I kept telling her to let the coon smell her hand before she tryed to pet it but she wasn't that gullible.

Saturday morning we meet up with the rest of our group. Friends from Missouri we used to dive with and her instructor for AOW. We started the day with a slow shallow dive playing with the monster catfish in the quarry. Mindy (my wife) went about her classes, and some old buds and I burned up Nitrox loosing each other in the limited vis and practicing missing buddy drills while feeling our way along the attactions in the water.

I had also rented a stobe for my el-crapo camera, hoping I may get a decent picture but every dive brought me a new camera problem, either the batterys died, camera fogged like the inside of a car at a summer drivein, or I flooded it damn this camera!!! However being able to rent a strobe and other accessories on site is a real bonus. Not to mention Glenn followed up with me as to how it was working after laughfing at me for my list of problems had one of his staff look at my el-cheapo to help fix the problem. Just another example of good service.

After the group headed to town for a grease filled dinner we were gonna meet up for a night dive and catfish feeding session they like hotdogs.

On my way back to the quarry driving my wifes Jeep I broke a control arm off my front axle. No biggie stay off the brakes and drive slow to get it back to dive, and see if I can locate a welder to use or welder to weld it on Sunday. Wife was spastic at this point because the jeep was broke and had a death wobble.

I stoped and asked if there was a welder on site I could use Glenn dug one out then realized he did not have any rods or welding helmet he called one of his staff who has a gas operated unit in his truck for farm use. Glenn told me that Tim could be here on Sunday morning at 830 to square me away.

We went on our night dive luring large catfish in to the closest unsuspecting diver as they chased the hotdogs. Only one person got a finger caught and came out of the water with a battle wound from feeding the cats. A few people got hit hard enough to dislodge there masks but it was all fun and games. Everybody enjoyed it and expected it. A few of the divers were fortunate enough to see paddlefish during the night dive.

Sunday morning came, the water was clearer the on Saturday, the students were preparing for there deep dive. I was working on my suspension and was able to finish the jeep all welding complete and wheel back on by 930 and I still made the deep dive with my wife. She enjoyed the dive we were visited by a couple of albino catfish while on the 85ft platform.

The next dive was on the 747 and a few other attractions to finish the weekend.

Bottom line I got 9 dives in my wife got 7 and it was a great weekend.

I cant say enough for the staff there at Mermet Springs, they are truly a full service dive site. If you are ever passing through the Puducah Ky or Southern Ill Area take the time and stop and dive.
Sounds like you had a great time.
Id like to go and hear ozzy underwater! but I can't figure out what he is saying on the surface!
Congrats to Mindy
I've been diving there for a number of years, and IMHO the best thing about the place is Glenn and his people. They will allways go the extra mile for their customers.
However, I could live without Ozzie underwater......
I was reading 48 degrees at the 85ft platform. LOL On Sunday. Sure was clear though.

Did you get to see the Runabout pushed off the cliff in the Deep corner? I got a Video of it. Pretty cool. Always something new at Mermet.

We went into Paducah. Stayed at Executive Inn. Pretty nice place. And spent Sat Night at CrawDaddy's. Dance club.

Didn't notice a broken jeep anywhere. You must of been hidden. LOL Or fixed by the time we got there.

We fed the Blues from the Primary dock before we left. They sure like Hot Dogs. Spot was a little shy. But he did come out. Neat petting a 150lb catfish on the nose. From the surface. LOL
I know it was cold, I rigged up and fell off the dock wearing my crap and relized I left my gloves at the pavilion so it was a cold dive on my hands. Being a hardhead I just dove as dressed.

I was reading 48 degrees at the 85ft platform. LOL On Sunday. Sure was clear though.

Did you get to see the Runabout pushed off the cliff in the Deep corner? I got a Video of it. Pretty cool. Always something new at Mermet.

We went into Paducah. Stayed at Executive Inn. Pretty nice place. And spent Sat Night at CrawDaddy's. Dance club.

Didn't notice a broken jeep anywhere. You must of been hidden. LOL Or fixed by the time we got there.

We fed the Blues from the Primary dock before we left. They sure like Hot Dogs. Spot was a little shy. But he did come out. Neat petting a 150lb catfish on the nose. From the surface. LOL

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