Well the long, dark, and cold winter nights in Canada have put me in one helluva miserable mood. The winter solstice hasn't even arrived and I'm already suffering from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) caused by lack of daylight and I need to go someplace warm and sunny. Yes, we thought gleefully, and get some diving in as well. Cozumel, that's the ticket! After scouring through this board for info and sending out a few emails, we finally have all our arrangements worked out and will be in Cozumel Jan 21-28, staying at the Fiesta Americana and doing 4 days of diving with Dive with Martin. I would have done 5 days, but the significant other wants to see Chichen Itza and she has the final say. Thanks to all the regular contributors on this board for all your helpful suggestions. It's mucho appreciated.......hmm, I'll have to work on the Spanish. :dazzler1: