going for my first solo dive tomorrow!

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I had a pool of three people for this weekend and all of them canceled, one even confirmed and cancelled today!!! Oh well, going by my lonesome I guess!! Just wish it was a bit warmer, it’s already snowing!!!

Wooowhooo I got two stars!!!!!! They are mighty shinny!!!!:D
Your first solo dive should be well planned not dictated by the failure of other people to adhere to a schedule.

Good Luck and be careful!
Congratulations. Hopefully you have all the redundancy you require to safely pursue solo diving. It sounds like you might be emotionally prepared for it. But as Han Solo said to Luke, "Don't get cocky!"

Sea ya!
"First solo dive? how many dives have you done? Your profile says less than 24 2months ago. Good luck be safe and have fun."

this was my 2nd non class dive. I dove the same place I did my ow dives so I knew the area I was diving.

"Congratulations. Hopefully you have all the redundancy you require to safely pursue solo diving. It sounds like you might be emotionally prepared for it. But as Han Solo said to Luke, "Don't get cocky!""

no redundancy, I just wasnt planning on doing anything crazy, I was only 10-15 feet for most of the dive and I like to watch my depth gauge so I knew what my air was at the whole time.
"First solo dive? how many dives have you done? Your profile says less than 24 2months ago. Good luck be safe and have fun."

this was my 2nd non class dive. I dove the same place I did my ow dives so I knew the area I was diving.

"Congratulations. Hopefully you have all the redundancy you require to safely pursue solo diving. It sounds like you might be emotionally prepared for it. But as Han Solo said to Luke, "Don't get cocky!""

no redundancy, I just wasnt planning on doing anything crazy, I was only 10-15 feet for most of the dive and I like to watch my depth gauge so I knew what my air was at the whole time.

That was still 10-15 feet farther than you can breath on your own. Soloing requires redundancy, planning and experience. You seemed to lack all of those on this dive. You need to get some experience diving, before trying to do it again. At this point in your diving, you don't even know what you don't know.

2nd non class dive and you are diving solo?
I have to agree with Fire Diver. You don't know what you don't know.
Depth isnt really the issue. If you are entageld it doesnt matter if its 10 ft or 100ft. If you are caught in a current depth does not matter. You need experiance before solo diving, most peolpe need at lease 100 dives, some much more.
Redundancy isnt just limited to air but every item that you may need including knife/ cutting tool, Timer, depth, light, lift etc.
"If you are entageld it doesnt matter if its 10 ft or 100ft. If you are caught in a current"

There was no hazard of entanglement or currents
hi berdman , just be carefull ,know your limits, know your equipment be sure it is halfway freeflowprove , and have enough backup ,douples and so on , you'll see nice diving alone sometimes or better most of the times ,or better always ha ha ha ,enjoy .one dday you have to start ,with solo i started after 12 dives with doubles sinc them just doubles ,exept rescue course ,instructor told me to do so , mono you need at least a T-valve , two good regs are necessary ,get informed so much as possible and dive dive dive ,only way to get expirance , better diving solo than no diving .

The advice you are getting is spot on. You have absolutely no idea of the risks you are taking, you don't have the experience to evaluate them and your replies indicate that you really don't get it. Yes you got away with it this time, and you will probably get away with it a number of times in the future, but an attitude that says this is easy, don't worry I know what I am doing, coupled with absolutely no experience and or training is one that has a good chance of getting you killed.

Once you have done a hundred or so dives and had a few - oops moments where you realize how close you came to drowning because you did something dumb - then you can think about diving alone safely. Until then you may be diving alone, but you aren't doing it safely.

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