Great Lakes Wrecking Crew
Fall Meet and Greet
October 3-5th, 2014
Where: Gilboa Quarry!
The group will once again be having a fall meet and greet at Gilboa Quarry to get some end of season (well there really isn't an end of the dive season) dives in and swap stories of that dives and trips over the past year. All divers and non-divers are welcome. We reserve the turn around at Gilboa and have a fire that lasts all weekend long. On Saturday, the group has a pot luck were divers bring their favorite dish to pass and we have an amazing feast throughout the day.Fall Meet and Greet
October 3-5th, 2014
Where: Gilboa Quarry!
We always have a good time and it is a great place to catch up with buddies and build new dive buddy relationships. Hope you will come join us for a weekend of fun!
If you have questions, please feel free to post them here and we will answer them as well as checkout our Facebook page.Hope to see you there!