you are way off the mark Dave, and we both know it. Apples and orange comparison. I appreciate you wanting a product to succed and I do to. I don't and cannot buy into the argument of a product which encourages poor SCUBA practice. We will have to agree to disagree on this issue.
Off the mark? Just because we disagree does not mean we can not discuss the real issue. (Using your hands with these gloves) But how we approach it seems much different. For me, I won't boo hoo any product without trying it simply because it differs from the regular diving paradym.
That paradym BTW, was established long BEFORE this product was introduced and while other webbed gloves have been around a long time, none have worked very well. Today, maybe these will and a new paradym will be established.
I suppose you want to call me an A$$_hole because I have a different view? Or am I arrogant since we don't see eye to eye on this?
Certainly not. I do consider myself as having a reasonable mind however.