Global warming

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The chief culprit in global warming is increased atmospheric carbon dioxide from industries and motor vehicles—at 372 parts per million, atmospheric carbon dioxide is now at the highest concentration in at least 420,000 years, as indicated by studies of gases trapped in ancient ice.

the research is out there. if by "proof" you mean "show me where God came
down and said man-made substances are increasing warming," that ain't
happened yet.

There is no proof that there is global warming from man. As stated before, think about all the volcanic activity in the past. In parts of Greenland (for instance) there is more ice than ever before. Have you ever watched the Discovery channel special on the P-41 Lightnings that are under the ice, they are over 40ft. down and they landed on the surface in 1944. Would not they be visible if we had global warming? Your theory is just that, a theory. It is not a proven fact....get over it. Even if it's true (which it's not, since it hasn't been proven) get over it and dwell on something worthwhile instead of trying to spell doom caused by all the cars or man. Your lifetime is insignificant in the relationship to the quirks in weather.
Your theory is just that, a theory. It is not a proven fact....get over it.

it's not my theory, but thanks for giving me credit (i got a big head already)

also, i remind you that YOUR theory is also that, just a theory. please get
over it as soon as possible, or sooner
Andy. Give it up mate. Some people are just not interested no matter what evidence you show them. If it's something that is hard to get around they simply start screaming 'liberal left-wing' etc.
I have never seen so much dis-information as about this subject in my life.

The real fact is - we all do stuff that is bad for our environment - just look at the stuff that's coming out of an exhaust pipe. Anyone who thinks that it's not doing us any harm at all must be in complete denial, and I don't need to be a scientist to know that.

Funny thing is - it's very often the same people who go around complaining about passive smoking etc. :banghead:
start here:

The chief culprit in global warming is increased atmospheric carbon dioxide from industries and motor vehicles—at 372 parts per million, atmospheric carbon dioxide is now at the highest concentration in at least 420,000 years, as indicated by studies of gases trapped in ancient ice.

the research is out there. if by "proof" you mean "show me where God came
down and said man-made substances are increasing warming," that ain't
happened yet.

Thank you for the link. I am sorry I am an academic as I ask for substantiation of blanket statements and generally never get it...... As for G-d coming down and saying anything, I am afraid if G-d lived on earth people would break his windows....
it's not my theory, but thanks for giving me credit (i got a big head already)

also, i remind you that YOUR theory is also that, just a theory. please get
over it as soon as possible, or sooner

Get real, it's the theory that you "used", I never said it was a theory you thought up!
Maybe you should check with the National Science Foundation who has a Artic System Science Committee who says that it appears that there may ar may not be global warming.
So far 1% of Antarticas ice has melted.
With this small percentage there is no proof of global warming, it can turnaround within months to 1% more of the ice has frozen.

It's not my theory, I can read the facts like you do, and report them to point to no global warming.
So far 1% of Antarticas ice has melted.
With this small percentage there is no proof of global warming, it can turnaround within months to 1% more of the ice has frozen.

again, get your facts right. up to 40% of localized ice shelves have been lost:

The shattered ice formed a plume of thousands of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea. A total of about 3,250 km2 of shelf area disintegrated in a 35-day period beginning on 31 January 2002. Over the last five years, the shelf has lost a total of 5,700 km2, and is now about 40 percent the size of its previous minimum stable extent.

Ice shelves are thick plates of ice, fed by glaciers, that float on the ocean around much of Antarctica. The Larsen B shelf was about 220 m thick. Based on studies of ice flow and sediment thickness beneath the ice shelf, scientists believe that it existed for at least 400 years prior to this event, and likely existed since the end of the last major glaciation 12,000 years ago (see more about Dr. Eugene Domack's research).

For reference, the area lost in this most recent event dwarfs Rhode Island (2717 km2) in size. In terms of volume, the amount of ice released in this short time is 720 billion tons, enough ice for about 12 trillion 10 kg bags.

This is the largest single event in a series of retreats by ice shelves in the Peninsula over the last 30 years. The retreats are attributed to a strong climate warming in the region. The rate of warming is approximately 0.5 degrees Celsius per decade, and the trend has been present since at least the late 1940s. Overall in the Peninsula, extent of seven ice shelves has declined by a total of about 13,500 km2 since 1974.

as to your claim that the lost percentage can be made up next year, dude,
wake up and read the news. we're in a warming trend. that ice isn't coming
back next year or the year after that.
we're in a warming trend. that ice isn't coming
back next year or the year after that.
I'd be surprised if it did - at least any time soon. On the other hand, I wouldn't be totally surprised if it reforms sometime in the next century or two... it's done it before.
Still, Earth is only about 2 or 3 degrees (C) warmer than it's coolest, and several degrees cooler than its average (estimated, of course, based on fossil records), so if we're headed towards average temps for the planet we're headed for warmer times.
again, get your facts right. up to 40% of localized ice shelves have been lost:

your claim that the lost percentage can be made up next year, dude,
wake up and read the news. we're in a warming trend. that ice isn't coming
back next year or the year after that.

It's not my claim and not my facts, I'm just "parroting" like you are. You can claim doom a thousand ways. Just get your life in order and don't worry so much about tomorrow or things that you have no control over. You were supposed to read between the lines. Don't worry, be happy! Life is already short enough.
Just get your life in order and don't worry so much about tomorrow or things that you have no control over. You were supposed to read between the lines. Don't worry, be happy! Life is already short enough.

well, thanks for the unsolicited advice :D
that ice isn't coming
back next year or the year after that.

Andy, ALL the antarctic ice lost so far is floating glacial ice. Floatng ice loss is not a critical problem and causes NO sea level rise.

All that ice can be replaced in weeks if the grounded ice upstream becomes unachored and stops blocking the glacial paths down from the highlands. Galloping Glaciers are an awesome event I hope you never see.

If you look at the drowned beaches off all our coasts, and across the world for that matter, the evidence is that sea levels have risen in rather distinct steps with long dwells between each rather sudden rise from it's low of about 300 feet below the current sea level. A slow rise would give a much different wave wear pattern on the eastern faces of the Bahamian plateau and gently sloping bottom of the central Gulf of Mexico. Galloping Glaciers are about the only thing that can explain suddenwater level rises of double digit feet over many very short periods in the last 12-14,000 years. Drowned beaches and dune lines show that sea rises of 10 to 30 feet over time frames of days or weeks. A 10' rise will make the flooding in New Orleans seem to be a minor event as hundreds of thousands of square miles of heavily populated lowlands are inundated worldwide.


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