Giving Away Dive Instructor Certifications.

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And how do you know that "training to be an Instructor" doesn't mean she is organizing her time, finding classes, working on what is required, and will then gain the experiece needed to fulfill her goal?

Just because someone is "training to be an Instructor" doesn't mean they'll be one tomorrow. In most areas, you'll be lucky to complete one course in a month.

I just had a conversation with a young girl (around 20 yo)who told me she's training to become an instructor. She goes to college in Hawaii. At first, I thought she may have been a pretty experienced diver. As we talked, I started to wonder. I finally asked how many dives she had...her response....15 -20. :icoeek:

I have about 120, and there's no way I feel ready to become an instructor. And it would frighten me to death for an inexperienced friend to learn from someone like that.
I too am from the NE part of our country where we dive the cold atlantic with wonderful viz. I will admit that we are on the rather cocky side when it comes to diving. I was even told while being certified that "if you can dive up here you can dive anywhere" After seeing a few parts of the world i do believe that statement to be true. I do not believe you can bring someone from the clear warm blue water to where we dive and expect them to get in without any problems. Its a different type of diving that most people would question why we even dive off jersey.
I think people get caught up in climbing the "ladder". I see it all the time where people come into the shop and set their goals on something and expect to achieve it in the shortest amount of time possible. IMO the DM rating should be held for a minimum of year along with a minimum # of assitanting classes ranging from OW-DM before you can begin the OWSI class. Afterall the DM rating is designed to be an assitant to the instructor.
pt40fathoms makes an excellent point and i thank you for that cause it opened my eyes up a bit. Teachers of anything just need to know the material inside and out in order to teach. No diverse experience is required but usually nice to have to pass on interest to the student. My OW instructor had thousands of dives under his belt mostly in the region and was able to spark my interest in diving locally. If the instructor doesnt have the local experience they might sway them to become "vacation divers" etc...
I would like to address the different diving environments thing. With regards to diving the environments where you teach I am all for that. But taking the instructor course is a different thing. There is no "diving" during the instructor course. You could dive your whole life in Alaska and take the course in the tropics and it will not make that much of a difference. You just have to think about what you have to do different when you get back home. Most of it is classroom and pool demo.
I hear more and more about trainers being narced and hyperventilating and doing other unusual things and not responding properly to these situations.

Even the most seasoned diver / instructor can get narc'd or stressed.

I agree with what you say to a degree. We all have to start somewhere, but I think there should be some dive experience involved first before being able to actually instruct a new student. I don't see anything wrong with LEARNING the instructor material in advance of the dive experience, and completing certification.

For example, SSI requires a minimum number of dives before enrolling in a leadership / instructional certification program:

Dive Control Specialist - 40+ dives prerequisite / 60+ logged dives at certification.
OW Instructor - 75+ dives prerequisite / 100+ dives logged at certification.

The rest of the leadership / instructor levels require OW Instructor or better as a prerequisite..... you can learn more here
School teachers are all young individuals who learned to teach right out of high school.

Sorry to take this a bit off topic. I'm from the same province (and city - and dive the same lake :crafty: ), my mother in-law, sister, and a few of my friends are all school teachers for various grades and immersions, all of them are required in Manitoba to hold a University degree for teaching.

Otherwise, I do agree with your statements completely, including the part about everyone starting from the same place. :wink:

How was Cat's Bum (dang censorship) today? I managed to slip out of the city for a few dives down at Westhawk this morning with some of the students that were certifying this weekend. :crafty:
Welcome to PADI.
Scubaboard is a much better place without this kind of BS!
Scubaboard is a much better place without this kind of BS!

I agree. The only thing missing is that they are PADI wearing a BP/Wing and all their equipment is Black!
While it is nice to have an instructor with a ton of experience, I want an instructor who can make sure that I have a very firm grip on the necessary knowledge expected at a particular certification level. Whether a person has 50, 100 or 500 dives may not correlate with their ability to help me to reach the desired knowledge level.

Once beyond the certification level of knowledge, we move on to that great teacher ... experience. I think that this is the point that those divers who have been there and done it countless times have so much to offer those of us who haven't the benefit of their experience. Thanks to those SBers who take the time to share ... it's really appreciated!
Scubaboard is a much better place without this kind of BS!

I agree.

I see this type of segregation etc on other types of forums, and it isn't pretty. I usually stop viewing those messages boards now.

Besides, we're all divers. Whether you're certified under PADI, SSI, YMCA, NAUI, or whatever, we all have to meet the same minimum requirements for certification as outlined by the WRSTC.
I feel OW instructors can get certified in the carribean or parts where there is clear water for visual reasons but I believe they must ALSO BE CERTIFIED FOR THE STATE THEY ARE TRAINING OTHERS.

Certainly diving in New Jersey or New York is significantly different from diving in tropical waters that is like a swimming pool. ?

Yes diving in NY and NJ is different. But, I teach in Manhattan and can tell you that 99% of our students don't have any interest in diving locally. Why should all our instructors be required to be Atlantic Wreck divers?

Myself, I am an avid local diver and promote it to every one of my students. The ones that are really interested come along. The ones who aren’t don't.

I don't disagree with the idea of what you are saying and in general it would be a good idea to match the education and advice you recieve from the instructor with the regional venue. But most students are looking to "get away"- not dive within their local environment. Therefore the dive shop should not be penalized.

Just my thought, d

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