mikiedfd17:So who exactly is going. . . Get ready for some cold. . . 31* high and 17 for the night time low! whoo hoo! Is anyone having a heated tent? Otherwise my buddy and I were going to B-line for my van right after the dives and take our gear off in there and eat soup. .. haha.
Does anyone have a pony set up I can "borrow?" I'm not all high-tech like most of you DOUBLES people (I'm a recently graduated college student) and a certain person on the board has thoroughly convinced me of diving with redundancies. Let me know.
I can't wait to dive!
Actually, I am the only one diving doubles out of our group. I could loan you an eighty that I have rigged as a stage bottle if you could provide a reg. and have an advanced card for the deep side.
I will be diving doubles (either 100's or 130's) with an O2 stage and I am loaning out an AL40 filled with EAN28 already.