frankenmuth_tom:OK guys, time for the rubber to meet the road!
Who plans to attend the meeting at Gilboa on 16-18 April?
Would you like to participate in a Pot Luck on Saturday afternoon?
If you would, we would supply BRATS and BURGERS for a few dollar donation to cover the cost of meat and buns.
Is anyone interested in a SWAP and SHOP arrangement? I have Bob3 sending up a couple sets of Viking Dryglove systems for a very good price and some Smurf gloves too.
We are only two weeks away, and need to get a kind of a count.
The only people I am currently sure of is:
Cldwdiver (coming with me)
Amy's better half
The count is currently SIX.
Reply here, or send me a PM with questions and suggestions and I will post the list here from time to time.....
Many thanks, I look forward to meeting a lot of you.
Tom, I'm in. I assume the group w/ try to camp out down at the far end past the training dock....?
I'll likely show up late friday night. We'll see how the weathers looking - I might crash at a motel.