The obvious ultimate is to set-up camp for your stay and to dive from your site with close proximity to the docks. Unfortunately the property is narrow and the shoreline is limited. You can't maximize the day visitor experience and the camping diver experience in the same space and get good utilization. On top of that from what I remember the sites are not at all defined so it must be anarchy with day visitors trying to wedge in around campers in the summertime. The first Saturday in November was hectic enough.
You can't even imagine! Back in June I arrived at 11 am on a Friday. I parked my truck in the spot associated with the site I was going to take. My truck had the tag that clearly marked me as a camper. I went ahead and did a dive with Barracuda2 before setting up camp. I came out of the water only to find out that some guy from the group that had the 4-5 sites next to me setup his tent on my site right in front of my truck! He said the people he was with (who had the sites next to me) said it was OK. WTH?! After snapping at him a bit I went ahead and let him stay there, moved the picnic table and fire ring and setup my tent there.
That weekend it was literally wall to wall vehicles during the afternoon on Saturday the entire length of the camp ground. I have never seen so many vehicles packed in so tightly. It was just unreal!
Poor Ber was leading a class and she arrived sometime late Friday afternoon. There were just NO sites anywhere close to an entry so I let her squat on my site also. That I didn't mind ... I offered ... and she fed me! :10: But the guy who simply helped himself to my site ... :mooner:. Now I always setup camp FIRST THING before diving!