Well, my wet suit gloves (and my whole wet suit) was good for 40min followed by 30min in 40degF (5degC) water!
I was surprised by the number of people diving wet. I did three dives with guys who were diving in 7 mil farmer johns and both said they were very comfortable. I've got to tell you, I liked diving dry. I spent too many years skiing in below zero weather where you get to the point that you can't talk/mouth numb and your hands don't work anymore when done. I like being warm.
I don't know if my gloves are 3mm or 5mm. For some reason, I think they are 3mm. I was actually surprised that my hands were warm for most of the dive. After 35 minutes, they started to get cold (just the ends of my fingers). I didn't have much problem w/ water flushing through them...but dry hands would have been nice. I'll let you know how it goes once I get them set up.