Just in case anybody gives a flip
I looked in the book Dress for Success and in the section where they cover weighting systems (page 61) it says
What to look for: A simple uncomplicated weighting system that can be jettisoned in the event of an emergency.
Call me crazy, but this sounds to me as if theyre advocating ditchable weight.
Further down on the same page it says
For most reasonably fit divers that use double steel tanks extra ballast is not necessary as their system as a whole provides adequate ballast.
In which case you would have no ditchable weight. Call me crazy again, but this sounds like a contradiction to me.
Then it goes on to say
Single or double Aluminum 80s usually require some form of extra weight. The preferred system would be to use a V weight which is simply a long V shaped piece of lead that fits between the wings and tank and is held in place on the bolts the backplate fits onto.
In which case I guess you need to take your rig apart and un-bolt it when you want to ditch the weight.
Anyway, it specifies jettisonable weight at the beginning of the section, but spends most of the section stating that the preferred solution is fixed weight. I have to assume that if I showed up for a DIR/F class with all fixed weight that it would be okay.
I looked in the book Dress for Success and in the section where they cover weighting systems (page 61) it says
What to look for: A simple uncomplicated weighting system that can be jettisoned in the event of an emergency.
Call me crazy, but this sounds to me as if theyre advocating ditchable weight.
Further down on the same page it says
For most reasonably fit divers that use double steel tanks extra ballast is not necessary as their system as a whole provides adequate ballast.
In which case you would have no ditchable weight. Call me crazy again, but this sounds like a contradiction to me.
Then it goes on to say
Single or double Aluminum 80s usually require some form of extra weight. The preferred system would be to use a V weight which is simply a long V shaped piece of lead that fits between the wings and tank and is held in place on the bolts the backplate fits onto.
In which case I guess you need to take your rig apart and un-bolt it when you want to ditch the weight.

Anyway, it specifies jettisonable weight at the beginning of the section, but spends most of the section stating that the preferred solution is fixed weight. I have to assume that if I showed up for a DIR/F class with all fixed weight that it would be okay.