Getting refreshed

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Cedar Park, TX

Here is my situation. My last dive was in September of 2000 in St. Thomas. I want to get back into diving since I am in Austin and there is much opportunity to dive here. I have a cruise leaving from Miami Friday the 11th. So, I orderd a reg, bc and guages which should be in today.

Question is, would you take a refresher, or just go to lake travis with a buddy to get everything tweeked, and some bottom time. I re-read my text books, and feel really comfortable in the water. I need to get properly weighted, and at least know what to expect from my equip before wasting a dive in the caribbean.

How should I proceed?
The safest approach is to take a refresher. This will help you remember diving techniques that you may not realize are necessary until you are in a situation. It also depends on how much diving you did before you stopped in 2000. I am a divemaster for Deep Blue Scuba. We dive from a boat in Lake Travis, which is good practice for Caribbean diving. We're there to ensure your safety and answer any questions you have.

The cheapest approach is to go with a very experienced buddy, preferably a professional, such as a Divemaster, as we are trained to handle any situation, to rescue, and have experience with the type of attention students need.

You should at the very least get comfortable with your gear on land, try it on, make sure you understand it, check it out, read the manuals, and don't overlook equipment like your mask and fins. A broken fin strap can be a good way to stay ashore, unless some kind soul has an extra, or unless you have an extra.
Yeah, I already purchased save a dive odds and ends. I am just looking to get somewhat comfortable with my gear before I head out. Where can I get more info on your refresher? Time is an issue since we are heading out for the Crib one week from Friday (June 11th).
I am a divemaster for Deep Blue Scuba. We dive from a boat in Lake Travis, which is good practice for Caribbean diving. We're there to ensure your safety and answer any questions you have.

I called and spoke with Thomas. I am going to go out with you all tomorrow!
rlowe....good choice! :thumb:

Here is my situation. My last dive was in September of 2000 in St. Thomas. I want to get back into diving since I am in Austin and there is much opportunity to dive here. I have a cruise leaving from Miami Friday the 11th. So, I orderd a reg, bc and guages which should be in today.

Question is, would you take a refresher, or just go to lake travis with a buddy to get everything tweeked, and some bottom time. I re-read my text books, and feel really comfortable in the water. I need to get properly weighted, and at least know what to expect from my equip before wasting a dive in the caribbean.

How should I proceed?
Doesn't SSI offer free lifetime refresher classes?
Doesn't SSI offer free lifetime refresher classes?

Hmm. Didn't realize that. I went to the lake today with Jenn at Deep Blue in Austin. Jenn was great. We worked out my weight requirements, and had a great dive. Jenn showed me and another rusty divery around. We spent 45 min on our first dive. Toured all the sunken treasure in Lake Travis :wink: . Then we went for a second dive to find a large sail boat that was sunk. It was quite a ways away from our boad and the other guy go tired out. So, we had to abort.

It was great to get back into the water. The gear all checked out and performed well. Jenn was fantastic to dive with. I will be going out with them again soon. They do Wed. night dives off the boat for $10.


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