I have now read that it is a good idea to keep all your regs the same. Deco's and backgass.
There are levels of 'sameness'. One level is to have the same reg for both backgas tanks, and all deco bottles. For example, I have a 'tech' set of 4 Zeagle ZX50Ds. Two are set up for my backgas (one has a long hose reg and BC inflator hose, the other has the SPG and necklace reg), and two are set up for deco bottles (same short SPG hose, same length second stage hoses). Another level, is to have all the same manufacturer, albeit different regs for different uses. I have another 'tech' set which includes two ATX200s for backgas, and two Apeks AT20s for deco bottles. Works fine. A third level is essentially no sameness. My dive buddy has four different regs. Two are ScubaPro (albeit different models), that he uses for backgas. The two deco regs are different manufacturers. He did this for economic convenience - these are the regs he had when he started tech. It works just fine for him (he also is a reg tech and services his own gear).
Do you have all regs capable of going to 100% and then less than 40% is ok too??
No. My ATX200s are not O2 cleaned, while the AT20s are. Two of my Zeagles are, two aren't. If the regs are O2 cleaned, you can use any percentage of oxygen. But, if one of my (O2 clean) deco regs fails on a dive trip, I am going to swap it out for another deco reg, or try to service it, or abort the trip. I won't reconfigure one of my (none O2 clean) backgas regs as a deco reg. Too much trouble.
Also an apeks tx 50, and tx 40, the 50 has a swivelling turret and it is mentioned that is a nice feature, couple less inches of hose needed, and ease of breathing compared to something w/o a swivelling turret. However isn't the swivelling turret itself another point for failure from a DIR prospective??
Swivels are a nice feature, not essential, but not going to fail and kill you, either. My Zeagles all have swivels, none of the Apeks do. It doesn't make a lot of difference for hose routing, at least for me.
I mean this info is coming from the same page that just got done telling me that I should have all the same regs!! That way if one breaths funny at all then I would notice compared to the others. I think that is a great idea!!
Yes, great idea, but again not essential. You should be able to detect a noticeable change in performance of a particular reg if you dive it enough to know how it 'should' perform.
I want to learn as much as I can so as I plan on spending all of this money that I am going to spend I have a really good plan of attack for what equipment to aquire next, and why. I don't want any regrets (like that junk probe lx I bought)
There may always be some regrets. You may buy something, really like it, use it for a period of time, then decided you want something else and 'regret' buying whatever it was in the first place. Or, your tastes just change. I bought a used OMS SS BP, with a deluxe harness, a couple of years ago, Didn't really like it at first, but was too lazy to sell it. Decided to try it one last time on a FL trip, liked it more, and now it is the only thing I dive with my DS, because of the quick release buckles (definitely not DIR on that one) that allow me to get out of my suit easily at the end of a dive. At one point, I liked having the separate chest strap that the harness comes with, now I don't use it.