gender and student problems?

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Scott Sayles

Reaction score
Santa Clara, CA
I just completed reading the thread on gender preference and instructors. You all had good points to make and interesting opinions. Thx.

Here's my question: From your experience, which gender makes a better student? Feel free to define "better" in your own terms.

I have specific examples and reasons for my opinion, which I will post. But, I'd like to hear some other responses first. Any takers?


Scott :)
Good students are the ones that have a positive, open attitude towards learning. They ENJOY the experience. Even when problems arise, they work enthusiastically and affirmatively to overcome them. Gender doesn't even enter into the equation.

BTW, this is true right up to/including Instructor level!

Thanks for the reply. It looks like a few people were waiting for somebody else to test the water on this post.
As I said, I have specific examples for my opinion and I will state them now. (then the firestorm can begin... although I think my response might suprise a few.)

SubMariner points out the good students "are the ones that have a positive, open attitude towards learning. They ENJOY the experience." I agree entirely. This certainly isnt a gender related idea.

To state my opinion simply, I have observed that women more often have an attitude that gets them through beginning and AOW classes with a little more grace. I have found they more easily take instruction when they are experiencing difficulty, and if they cant complete the pool sessions in time to go to the open water, they more regularly stick to it and finish the class. Over several years of supervising classes (DM-ing) I cant recall a guy that came back to our same class to finish if he didnt go to the ocean with us.

Also, the only discipline problems I ever experienced (just a few) were also guys. Usually, it was a buddy pair that wanted to go off on a tour during an OW course and didnt feel they needed to follow the classes instructions once they were done with their skills test. We informed them they could go diving all they wanted AFTER their cert. was completed. The responses were along the lines of "I paid for this course so I'm gonna have some fun". Stronger conversation followed...

The only thing I can think is that the "macho guy" attitude that works for us in some situations, doesnt help in others.

I keep these things in mind when I'm occassionally in the student roll. Yes, even DM's can be "beginners" in a class. There's a time to lead, and there's a time to have fun and follow directions.

Happy Diving.

Scott, I have observed several of the instances you describe, but find that more than anything, how a student learns or takes direction is a very individual thing.

Have I had "macho male divers" who I had to "put in their place"? Yes. (Esp when it comes to some male students taking direction from a female Instructor or DM. When it comes to male Instructors being macho with me, that's a related, but slightly different problem.)

Have I had female divers who were so dependent on their male s/o's that I had to buddy them with someone else in order for them to properly learn to dive? Yes.

Have I had more female students have problems with mask clearing at the OW level? Yes. (I think this is the fem nose vs male mouth breather thing... eg: snoring.)

Have I had people want to learn to dive for the wrong reason? (Although this is a "peer pressure thing", it often seems to be a man wanting his fem s/o to dive but she's not really into it.)

Again, these are a few personal observations about the people I have trained or worked with at various levels.


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