Gear dolly, one that can roll and be like a sled on sand.

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Fort Lauderdale, FL
# of dives
I just don't log dives
I dive solo and it hard in terms that I can't unload gear next to a dive site and then leave that gear with a diving buddy while parking a bit further away.

So, I am thinking of building a dolly that can roll and then sled on sand. It can't be too expensive, I'll have to leave it while doing a dive. I also don't want to make it too custom, if it gets stolen.

Looking to pull two 40's and a DPV.

Any ideas?

I was thinking: 40 in. 300 lb. Capacity Low-Profile Creeper, Gray
Have you at least tried the collapsible canvas carts with the big wheels?
Single tank? If yes, an old fat wheel golf pull cart...
They used to sell them (auger stakes/locks) to secure tanks on the beach
I think if you dragged that onto the sand, you'd get sand all up in the axels and the wheels wouldn't work so well once you got back on pavement. I also wouldn't trust that it wouldn't get stolen, although I guess it would at least be cheaper to replace.

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