Fusion Tech or Tech LE?

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I'm bitting the bullet and will buy a Fusion tech, but I'm undecided on the skin. Now that the LE tech skin has been around for a bit:

Which one would you choose and why?

Pros and cons regarding performance?

Here's what I've found out.

Tech: Dries faster. Field tested.
Tech LE: Thicker (stronger). Fit is more snug, but still allows free movement. Slow to dry, requires extra care and maintenance.

Your thoughts?

I think you've got the pros and cons mostly right, but also don't overthink it, they're all good. I dive the Fusion with the Sport skin (lycra) and it's great, too. I don't think maintenance would be largely different from Tech to Tech LE... Both have neoprene, LE just has a little more, and the seals, zipper, and valves, which are your highest maintenance items, are identical.

Generally speaking the Tech LE is just beefier (all neoprene) with less graphics, Tech is a mix of neoprene and lycra. Can't remember, but the web site shows it WITH the pockets, where Tech I recall the pockets were an optional add-on.

I think your choice depends on your style of diving. Given the choice again, I would choose the Sport again, since I'm not caving or diving in environments that would be really rough on the suit. However, if my only two choices were the tech and the LE, I would choose the tech, since it's a little lighter weight, slightly more flexible because there's more lycra, and again, I don't feel I really need the extra abrasion protection. You might be a caver or a serious wreck diver where abrasion protection is much more important, so in that case your choice might be different.
I did my first dive in the fusion tech le last night while my wife use the fusion tech. My wife's suit is almost dry except for around the ankles & wrists, while mine is still quite damp (after about 5 hours) but it is not dripping. So unless you are planning on travelling a lot and need a suit that will dry quickly so you can pack it away I wouldn't worry too much. I must say the material on the le does look at lot stronger without taking away any flexibility.
Thank you both livewire and bfowles.

I have to choose between a tech with pockets and a LE without them... Otherwise I'd just go for the LE with pockets. Right now I'm waiting for quotes.

Given the fact that the pockets aren't big and sag on both suits, I think I just may go for the cheapest suit and wait what comes out of Whites alter on. I mean, the skin can always be replaced. :)

If I buy the LE I'll have to look for xshorts or something...


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