Please don't shoot or flame me, I was born landlocked so I don't know much about the physics of the ocean.:15a:
Where is (are) the thermocline(s) at Ft. Wetherill at the moment depth-wise, specifically in the right cove?
I know in lakes it varies with the season and the thermocline in the lake I know best is at 10-15' usually. Once while I was doing a safety stop my head was actually sticking out of it while the rest of me was freezing below.
I'd like to know because while I snorkel there a lot I stay on the surface and I'm hopefully going to be diving there soon and I'd like to have an idea of what to expect.
Any other hints about things to except other than the thermocline are also very much appreciated
Where is (are) the thermocline(s) at Ft. Wetherill at the moment depth-wise, specifically in the right cove?
I know in lakes it varies with the season and the thermocline in the lake I know best is at 10-15' usually. Once while I was doing a safety stop my head was actually sticking out of it while the rest of me was freezing below.
I'd like to know because while I snorkel there a lot I stay on the surface and I'm hopefully going to be diving there soon and I'd like to have an idea of what to expect.
Any other hints about things to except other than the thermocline are also very much appreciated