Well after making the drive out to Plymouth, MA with planned dives on the Endicott and then searching for another, we once again got skunked (4 weekends in a row) with heavy blowing fog and decided not to venture out in the boat. After a great lunch at a restaurant in the harbor, Earl called it and headed home, but my buddy Ed and I refused to stay dry and decided to drive down to Jamestown and get a shore dive in, although it was in doubles! We entered at the boat ramp, out around the island, and exited the east cove. 90 mins, 60' and 50-52 deg, with a spotty 10-15' vis at best. Lots of life is starting to show back up. Tons of juvenile cunner, a few tautog and stripers, some bugs (most shorts), a few black anenome's and even a few nudibrach's left. Definitely not the initial plan but a good chance to do some valve drills and practice shooting a new bag. Praying next weekend lets get back out on a wreck...or 2!!