If this doesn't apply to you, sorry for asking you to read. If anyone is going to be diving the Jay Scutti, I have a favor to ask. This past weekend (the 9th of Aug.) I had to cut my anchor line on the Scutti. I posted the reason why in the Basic Scuba Diving section on Sunday. Search for "Free 16lb Danforth Anchor" to find the post if you are curious...
Well, besides the anchor there is about 150' of anchor line attached to it. If you, or anyone you know will be diving the Scutti, please do me a favor. If you see the anchor and line, pull in the line and either take it with you, or tie it off good and tight to the Scutti somewhere so it's not causing problems down there for any divers or the fish. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to pull in the line, coil it, and tie it off to the wreck.
The anchor is yours if you want it. It's a 16 pounder, so you will need a lift bag I suppose to retrieve it, or tie it off to your own anchor and pull it up, but that's a heavy load. It would cost about $60 or more to buy a new one, so it's worth picking up if you can.
My only concern is the line fouling divers or causing other problems.
I do ask, if you find it, to please post a reply here, or email me at to let me know it's taken care of. I am also curious where it is. I think it's in the sand to the east of the wreck (very close), but it may be on the wreck itself.
I don't have the Lat/Lon coordinates on me at the moment, but I do have them at home. Send me an email and I will give them to you if you need them or want them.
Thanks... be safe, have fun, have a great dive, and please give the anchor a good home if you get it
If this doesn't apply to you, sorry for asking you to read. If anyone is going to be diving the Jay Scutti, I have a favor to ask. This past weekend (the 9th of Aug.) I had to cut my anchor line on the Scutti. I posted the reason why in the Basic Scuba Diving section on Sunday. Search for "Free 16lb Danforth Anchor" to find the post if you are curious...
Well, besides the anchor there is about 150' of anchor line attached to it. If you, or anyone you know will be diving the Scutti, please do me a favor. If you see the anchor and line, pull in the line and either take it with you, or tie it off good and tight to the Scutti somewhere so it's not causing problems down there for any divers or the fish. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to pull in the line, coil it, and tie it off to the wreck.
The anchor is yours if you want it. It's a 16 pounder, so you will need a lift bag I suppose to retrieve it, or tie it off to your own anchor and pull it up, but that's a heavy load. It would cost about $60 or more to buy a new one, so it's worth picking up if you can.
My only concern is the line fouling divers or causing other problems.
I do ask, if you find it, to please post a reply here, or email me at to let me know it's taken care of. I am also curious where it is. I think it's in the sand to the east of the wreck (very close), but it may be on the wreck itself.
I don't have the Lat/Lon coordinates on me at the moment, but I do have them at home. Send me an email and I will give them to you if you need them or want them.
Thanks... be safe, have fun, have a great dive, and please give the anchor a good home if you get it
