Heck no, not me! Warm I suppose, if you call SoCal warm. Deep? Whatever, depth doesn't matter to me as long as I'm having fun... Enriched air? Not now, but I wouldn't rule it out for the future.
Until lately, I've just used borrowed gear that was "extra" from my neighbor replacing his stuff. Ancient mostly, and I've moved so I don't have the liberty of using it when I want any more so I've been making some purchases. Shopping the sales I've managed a Vector 1000 BC, an Axis Pro reg, and a Catalina aluminum 80 tank for a grand total of $300. Borrowed pressure gauge and no octo has me shopping for a gauge package and octo. Inflator/octo combo seems like a nice idea to eliminate a hose.
So far, (6 dives as of 10/10/04) I'm happy with my new stuff, but since I signed up for an advanced course over Thanksgiving weekend, I need: A compass, which I hope to get in a 3-gauge console package; An alternate air source (well, maybe not NEED, but want!) Not to mention some gloves... Have a nice knife and light so don't need those any more, but this is getting expensive. (heavy sigh)
I don't expect this to be the last gear I buy, but I want it to last a while and not have me wanting something else in a few weeks due to ignorance. Thanks to all who provide information and inspiration. ...N