Hi Gang -
They have not said when they are going to be "back to normal" but as someone who has been going back & forth these pst 2 weeks, here is what I know - this only applies to what thier decisions are TODAY - we all know how quickly this changes!!!
Continental: One flight a day into (& obviously out of) Coz - ONLY ON Monday, Wednesday & Saturday. Later than previous, it leaves houston around (12:30 - 1:00PM I think) arriving in Coz at 3:30. Flight departing coz is either at 4:20 or 4:45PM depending on who you talk to.
United was suppossed to start nonstop service Dec 15th from Denver. Postponed - date to be announced
Frontier says they are starting nonstop service from Denver Dec 15th - but I beleive they have also made it 2 or 3 days a week only
American from Dallas into Coz, well, can't get an answer from them other than perhaps resuming in December.
The rapid recovery is ASTONISHING - they are working 24 hours a day!!!! VERY COOL!!! Some hotels still closed, (BUT SEVERAL ARE OPEN!!!)so I GUESS that is why limited flights.
Once agin AAAUUUGGGHHH! I am in Denver now (actually here giving u/w digitakl & photo classes!!) & Armando is coming up for Thanksgiving (our photo center is STILL closed - no electricity to the store yet - they have it restored to the poles in front of the hotel, but damage to the lines that bring it in to the hotel & us are holding us up!!) he is on Continental and I just got off the phone with them TRYING to confirm flights - even that was a challenge - I 'm not sure what it is but I think when you want to book a flight to Coz there is ascreen that comes up at the airlines that tells the agents that are talking to us to "Make this confusing & frustrating!!!" becaus it sure is!!!!!!!!!

They have not said when they are going to be "back to normal" but as someone who has been going back & forth these pst 2 weeks, here is what I know - this only applies to what thier decisions are TODAY - we all know how quickly this changes!!!
Continental: One flight a day into (& obviously out of) Coz - ONLY ON Monday, Wednesday & Saturday. Later than previous, it leaves houston around (12:30 - 1:00PM I think) arriving in Coz at 3:30. Flight departing coz is either at 4:20 or 4:45PM depending on who you talk to.
United was suppossed to start nonstop service Dec 15th from Denver. Postponed - date to be announced
Frontier says they are starting nonstop service from Denver Dec 15th - but I beleive they have also made it 2 or 3 days a week only
American from Dallas into Coz, well, can't get an answer from them other than perhaps resuming in December.
The rapid recovery is ASTONISHING - they are working 24 hours a day!!!! VERY COOL!!! Some hotels still closed, (BUT SEVERAL ARE OPEN!!!)so I GUESS that is why limited flights.
Once agin AAAUUUGGGHHH! I am in Denver now (actually here giving u/w digitakl & photo classes!!) & Armando is coming up for Thanksgiving (our photo center is STILL closed - no electricity to the store yet - they have it restored to the poles in front of the hotel, but damage to the lines that bring it in to the hotel & us are holding us up!!) he is on Continental and I just got off the phone with them TRYING to confirm flights - even that was a challenge - I 'm not sure what it is but I think when you want to book a flight to Coz there is ascreen that comes up at the airlines that tells the agents that are talking to us to "Make this confusing & frustrating!!!" becaus it sure is!!!!!!!!!