Among my exposure suits I have a 5.5mm Aqualung Balance Comfort full suit that is back zip and a 5.5mm Aqualung Balance comfort shorty that is front zip. The shorty is designed to be layered over the full suit and the front zip goes somewhat diagonal across the body and terminates partway down the thigh. It is not that difficult to get out of but having someone to pull it off my shoulders makes it much easier especially when layered over the full suit. I picked up 7mm semi-dry last season that I prefer to use but the semi-dry comes with its own issues...since the zipper is across the upper back/shoulders, it requires another person to zip and unzip.
(Pictures of the suits below were pilfered from the internet but my suits are similar models)
(Pictures of the suits below were pilfered from the internet but my suits are similar models)