Sure it's more important just to have nice dives and good buddies, but getting flounder and lobster seemed to top it off pretty well!
Dove Front Beach, Rockport, MA, Monday, the 17th, and was joined for my second dive by trappist and a friend of his.
The hot weather made it a welcome relief to get below the thermocline and into the 50-degree water. After well over an hour there, it also felt good to ascend above the thermocline into the 64-degree water! The dives were 110 and 94 minutes, respectively. Max depths of 42' and 39'. The depth of the thermocline varied from 25' on the first dive to 15' on the second dive.
We had calm seas and decent vis of 15 to 25' mostly, but up to about 40' in small areas.
I was surprised to see quite a few keeper-sized winter flounder at this time of year and I speared 7 on my first dive. None bigger than 15 inches, though. We only saw one keeper on the second dive, but he outsmarted us!
Lobsters were fairly plentiful also, and trappist's new lobster license came in handy, allowing a total of 6 keepers to be taken.
Trading allowed both of us to take home flounder and lobster for our dinners! That made some real nice dives even better!
Dave C
Front Beach, viewed from the water
A sea raven and lobster in decent vis
A windowpane flounder exhibits good trim
Trappist's friend, also in good trim!
Trappist bags another lobster!
Dove Front Beach, Rockport, MA, Monday, the 17th, and was joined for my second dive by trappist and a friend of his.
The hot weather made it a welcome relief to get below the thermocline and into the 50-degree water. After well over an hour there, it also felt good to ascend above the thermocline into the 64-degree water! The dives were 110 and 94 minutes, respectively. Max depths of 42' and 39'. The depth of the thermocline varied from 25' on the first dive to 15' on the second dive.
We had calm seas and decent vis of 15 to 25' mostly, but up to about 40' in small areas.
I was surprised to see quite a few keeper-sized winter flounder at this time of year and I speared 7 on my first dive. None bigger than 15 inches, though. We only saw one keeper on the second dive, but he outsmarted us!
Lobsters were fairly plentiful also, and trappist's new lobster license came in handy, allowing a total of 6 keepers to be taken.
Trading allowed both of us to take home flounder and lobster for our dinners! That made some real nice dives even better!
Dave C
Front Beach, viewed from the water
A sea raven and lobster in decent vis
A windowpane flounder exhibits good trim
Trappist's friend, also in good trim!
Trappist bags another lobster!
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