Friends don’t let friends join MySpace...

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No your not alone though the blame should not be put on myspace but the corporations/schools and other entities that use it to make decisions about people. Beyond the poor teacher and the writters friend, myspace has been in the news to much in reguards to people not being hired that it just isn't worth it.
just be careful what you decide to put up on it. myspace itself isn't the problem, it's what you reveal about yourself on it that is.
Wayward Son:
just be careful what you decide to put up on it. myspace itself isn't the problem, it's what you reveal about yourself on it that is.

People seem to forget that they're not just chatting with their friends...they are posting info that can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
That's true of anywhere on the Internet, everytime you use a credit card, everytime you use your discount grocery card in the checkout aisle, everytime you buy something at Walmart, everytime you turn on the TV, everytime you take out a car loan, mortgage, home equity loan, and on and on and on.

The alarmist machinations of the media screaming, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" needs to stop.

Parents, pay attention to what your damn kids are doing on the internet. Pay attention to what they're watching on TV. Pay attention to what kind of video games they're playing. Pay attention to your kids, period. Parents, BE PARENTS.

....And that's all I have to say about that.
Somebody from SB called me once to say that I should know what my 17 year old was doing on my I go into the page and the big news was this picture of some kids and a bong. After I got all upset and gave the big lecture, it turned out that it was a picture from Laguna Beach, a TV show. Sure, it looks bad that they posted it but in the scope of life I think she would be better off keeping up with her own kids, having custody would be a good start.

It is just one more way for people to mind somebody else's business. Those people always find a way, wether it is My Space or the hootchie dress your kid wears to the prom. I agree that parents should watch their kids, but it is kind of creepy when they sneak around in their world, looking for transgressions all the time.

We have internet all over the house, who knows what they are doing.
One thing I know for sure, is I am not going to sit here and try and keep up with that one all day. Sometimes you have to raise them the best you can and cross your fingers. They use the internet to do their homework from grade school, in 20 different locations. That would be a full time job following them around.

There are not any filters in the libraries...are you planning to forbid the library or follow them all over the city? Maybe if they have the freedom to surf the net, they will see things that they don't want to see and get the picture that there are some real creeps out there and monitor themselves, like a reality check.

But...that is a good point about it staying around forever.
Parents, pay attention to what your damn kids are doing on the internet. Pay attention to what they're watching on TV. Pay attention to what kind of video games they're playing. Pay attention to your kids, period. Parents, BE PARENTS.

While I agree with you 100% on that particular subject the article posted was about a woman being denied her earned teaching degree because she had a picture posted on myspace of herself in a pirate costume at a halloween costume.

Personally I do not think the problem is myspace. I believe very firmly that the lines between a person's personal life and work life should be more clearly defined in the law. The way a person behaves when at home or at a party should not reflect on there work ethic unless it's somehow interfering with there performance, or potential performance. Such as getting drunk and coming into work hung over everyday.I do not believe somebody having a drink in a pirate suit on halloween would make them a bad or unfit teacher!
Hmmm... I guess I now know why nobody has hired me in the last 7 years. No, it's not myspace... I've never even considered joining. It's my own web site. I guess the big corporations that pay the big salaries just don't have a sense of humor!

The very first web site I created back in 1992 had an image of me with my family. I was holding a camera in my hand, but referred to it as a bomb. A lawyer representing a company I was involved in legal action against printed up that page and the rest of the site and submitted them to the court as evidence that I was a nut case (psdsst... don't tell them I really am).

The judge looked at the web pages, then looked back at the attorney and asked "Don't you have a sense of humor?" I won the case.
While I agree with you 100% on that particular subject the article posted was about a woman being denied her earned teaching degree because she had a picture posted on myspace of herself in a pirate costume at a halloween costume.

Personally I do not think the problem is myspace. I believe very firmly that the lines between a person's personal life and work life should be more clearly defined in the law. The way a person behaves when at home or at a party should not reflect on there work ethic unless it's somehow interfering with there performance, or potential performance. Such as getting drunk and coming into work hung over everyday.I do not believe somebody having a drink in a pirate suit on halloween would make them a bad or unfit teacher!

I agree with you too, Matt. 100%. Lately though, it's not about people taking responsibility or behaving with common sense. It's all about ignorant "zero tolerance" policies and kneejerk reactions, rather than rational people making rational decisions. It's all about sending 5-year olds home from school for sexual harassment, and having school lockdowns over squirt guns, and everyone wanting to lay blame on and sue everyone else. It's crazy just how far we've fallen as a society.
I'm with you on that. But for the near term, the bottom line is that employers are starting to look for your pages to see what they can find out about you. With that in mind I think it can pay off to go over them & make sure there's nothing that may be even remotely considered harmful to your image before you start sending our resumes.

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