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Since they have taken it all away, I figured I'd just throw it out there one last time for everyone who helped....


I too ended up here after reading the story on Yahoo. I found the turtle video to be so peaceful and interesting. The middle of the ocean without humans...just beaming sun, fish and beautiful blue water. I think we're quite lucky to have this video, no human intervention, just true life. I came to this board and read every page of this thread, rooting for you along the way. This was a very cool story, kudos to all of your for your hardwork.
I've found this thread via a Russian online newspaper and then YouTube. After 2 or 3 hours of reading I'd like to thank you all for the amazing detective story you wrote :wink: The same feeling I had while reading Jules Verne and Conan Doyle in my childhood.

It's not really important that certain news agencies distort some details and forget to mention the names and communities involved (the journalists are rarely into the topic they cover -- but thanks to people like Julia!). As a visitor, I read a story of a more or less spontaneously formed group of individuals that did a fantastic research and pinned down the exact area within three days; if not for the school communication problem, the owner would be found in that time frame, too. This is a great example of what people can do Just For Fun! :)

I think we should do more just for fun. It seems to be the most natural way to be happy. there are 169 guests viewing. What a great story. This is a terrific example of the power of social networking.

Holy smokes.

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 334 (17 members and 317 guests)

Welcome to ScubaBoard, guys! Stick around a little, learn more about scuba diving and the wonderful people involved in our little hobby! :) The water's great, jump on in!

Also, please take a moment to check out the ScubaBoard Legal Defense thread and familiarize yourself with the issue; the ramifications and impact of this lawsuit will be far-reaching even if you have nothing to do with scuba diving.
YAY! You did it!:D
I read this news story on Yahoo, and knew immediately that it had to be from your post a month ago! I was so enthralled with your original post, that I spent an entire night searching the internet for anything that resembled _ I didn't have such luck, but I am so proud of you all for your hard work! Kudos to you!
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I just learned from reading the video comments that Dick de Bruin and I are paid employees of Nikon. I wish I would have remembered that when we were trying to track the serial number. :wink: Apparently, most are too lazy to read the video desciption, which has a link to this thread. However, I'm very grateful for the several that are reading it, though.

You folks would be floored by some of the comments on that video. I changed the profile to where I have to approve all comments. Would you believe I actually got a death threat from a scrawny snot-nosed UK teen? To him, I say...:mooner:
As I am a diver myself, the turtle clip on YouTube caught my eye. I was so intrigued by the story that I had to read the entire thread in one go. It has everything to turn it into a great book: drama, fun, friendship, nature, caring about people you do not know and harnessing the power of social media and the internet! Love it!

I am from Berlin, Germany by the way and spend my time between Brussels, Belgium, and Berlin.
By the way, here for your press clipping book, the link to the story of the online version of our local Berlin Newspaper:

[ xxxxx /weltspiegel/schildkroete-gibt-ihr-filmdebuet/1861564.html;jsessionid=092AAC78C7A2EF68A35856C1D48050E4]

Instead of xxxxx insert w w w dot tagesspiegel dot de - the site does not allow me to post links before I have not had five posts to avoid spamming...

Enjoy the read ;-)

PS: It is an accurate representation of the story it seems.
I saw this story posted on a slovenian site and looked the video on youtube. From there, I found this forum and read this amazing story. I had to register, just to congratulate to Aquahound for his patience and good work. If there were more people like you a world would be a nice place.

Again, congratulations to Aquahound all people that helped in the search.

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