forum skin change

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Yay, classic skin is back! Now how about making that annoying vertical banner a horizontal one so that I don't have to horizontal scroll so much?
Yay, classic skin is back! Now how about making that annoying vertical banner a horizontal one so that I don't have to horizontal scroll so much?

People pay for that particular side placement. We are obligated (by contract with them) to position it there.

Unfortunately, the vBulletin code doesn't allow for a % to be used for the forum block. We'll see if there's a way to resize the forum block so that it can fit.

what are your screen display settings, that you have to horizontally scroll across?
I am using 1024x768. How about putting the vertical banner on the right side of the screen then?
The side ads should be static, moving ads distract me when I'm reading. My eye flicks over to them and I find them annoying.

I won't buy a car from a dealer that screams in his ads and annoys me. Why should I encourage him.
I'm a bit of a forum junkie, so I keep my favourites open to the left (as I've always done for quite some time) so that I can go back and forth to different sites. Up until the vertical banner, there was sufficient room to see the entire forum screen. Now, every page I visit I need to scroll right to see the right part of people's posts. As you can see, the banner ends after the first few posts and really is just a blank spot, so it really would be nice not to have to do that all the time.

Ah, I see the problem now. :)

ScubaBoard web pages are designed to be viewed on 1024x768 (full width). Your use of the Favorites as a permanent bar on the screen reduces the available screen space.

What I found very useful on my office laptop (screen 1024x768) was the Quick Links bar. It will allow you to keep a complex menu structure without sacrificing screen space. Here's a link to an on-line manual: Customising Quick Links in IE7.
I've tried that before, but I can only put so many quicklinks up before they all get stuffed into a dropdown menu. I guess I'm too used to having all my links readily available. When the vertical banner was added on the left, it messed all that up.

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