Fornarcated:the realization that you are truly narc'd and truly...

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NOAA (Narc'd On Air Alone) - Organization of Narc'd Scientists searching the sea for some reason or other, what was this about again.

Narcogen - The substance in air that cause one to be Narced.

Narcrosoft Narclook - the software on your dive watch that only shows unicorns and fire people.
Mon-narc-y. Hereditary supreme rulers of the narc'ed.

Central Narc- Being Narc'ed in the middle of NYC.

Narc bench- somewhere to sit and enjoy the euphoria

Narc'ing attendant- Person in charge of making sure you are narc'ed in a designated space and do not exceed your allotted narc'ing time.

Narc'ing valet- Person responsible for ensuring that your narc is convenient and enjoyable.
KleptoNarcosis - Breathing from your buddies octo while he is narc'd and without him knowing and then calling him an Air sucker at the surface.

Narcolepsy - Thinking you can dance when deep diving.

Information Narcology - the feeling that all that beeping your computer is doing must mean something.
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Narctuary! - What that guy with the weird back inflate keeps yelling
Medownarck Lemon : The diver trying to play Basketball with Brain coral and a Vase sponge.
pornarcgraphy- movies (or photos) of naked narc'ed people. Usually accompanied by a bad soundtrack and no plotline.


The rash on your genitals after you realize the mermaid you thought you were screwing at 120 feet was really an attractive chunk of fire coral.

The 2 that made me laugh the hardest!! almost a little story if you add in the manatee and the unarcorn!!

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