Former Diver Want Compressor For Sailboat in Retirement

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DON!-- you sure have been a help. I plan to limit my dives- maybe 30 ft til I get comfortable again. And we can have -at least it is the plan, to have someone on deck that can navigate the boat. Guess it would be a really lonely feeling if we all went in, came up from a dive and the boat is nowhere in sight. Can I assume that should be the "law" onboard, even in shallow waters? Meaning maybe just snorkling? I would guess yes because currents, wind change and anchor failures don't know or care if you are 10 ft of water or 200! Thanks for helping so much.
Maybe he should draw up a set of plans and sell them. If wriiten down- like pdf format, he would just need to puch a couple of keys and take the checks to the bank!
Maybe he should draw up a set of plans and sell them. If wriiten down- like pdf format, he would just need to puch a couple of keys and take the checks to the bank!

He actually asked me about becoming a distributor for the compressor bodies alone and I may set him up when he is ready. But he does the plans for free. That is what the boating magazine insists on for their DIY sections.
DON!-- you sure have been a help. I plan to limit my dives- maybe 30 ft til I get comfortable again. And we can have -at least it is the plan, to have someone on deck that can navigate the boat. Guess it would be a really lonely feeling if we all went in, came up from a dive and the boat is nowhere in sight. Can I assume that should be the "law" onboard, even in shallow waters? Meaning maybe just snorkling? I would guess yes because currents, wind change and anchor failures don't know or care if you are 10 ft of water or 200! Thanks for helping so much.
Oh, boaters often do all go in at once, leaving the boat unattended. Read about them often in the Accidents forum. Some are found alive. :wink:

For overnight and longer trips, esepcially involving a sailing vessle, I'd certainly encourage more prudent plans. With your fireman background, you may breeze thru some of the training courses, but since you're not 25 yrs old any more - several ideas come to mind along those lines - First Aid, Rescue Diving, Boating, etc.
When I retire I'd love to get rid of all those LP steel 80's I've collected ... and own a compressor one that wouldn't break down! ... Again thinking ... keep the steels and buy a compressor and Newton and live the good life ... Boy then I had to wake up ...
Bob Vincent:
When I retire I'd love to get rid of all those LP steel 80's I've collected ... and own a compressor one that wouldn't break down! ... Again thinking ... keep the steels and buy a compressor and Newton and live the good life ... Boy then I had to wake up ...
It'd be a little different for you, as Boz has less than 50 dives, none in recent years - but no one else seems to be posting to that. I thot the idea foolhardy, as I can see these two old coots (I'm older, so I can talk like that) going out as a pair in the boat and either solo diving or leaving the boat unattended....!
> Former newbie diving without a DM group!
> Former newbie on solo dive or with boat unattened!
> Two old coots diving away from any support!

But no one else seems concerned...??
That setup looks nice. What kind of HP requirements are there? Can the compressor be run at idle or what kind of RPM is required? How is he feeding in fresh air? I wouldn't want a tank filled with engine room air, or a fresh air inlet near any exhaust. What kind of drag is on the motor when the clutch disconnected?

I like the philosophy of no gas engines.....of course your dingy outboard is gas.....gas in the engine room opens additional issues such as bilge/engine room blowers, vapor safe motors etc.

I doubt you are going to be able to find any good way of bottling Nitox on board. Frankly I wouldn't attempt storing O2 on board except in my 1st aid kit.
It'd be a little different for you, as Boz has less than 50 dives, none in recent years - but no one else seems to be posting to that. I thot the idea foolhardy, as I can see these two old coots (I'm older, so I can talk like that) going out as a pair in the boat and either solo diving or leaving the boat unattended....!
> Former newbie diving without a DM group!
> Former newbie on solo dive or with boat unattened!
> Two old coots diving away from any support!

But no one else seems concerned...??

I keep picturing this as a prequel to secondhand lions. :wink:

Actually I have been toying with this Idea too, except the idea would be to live on the boat and work in a one cities in SE FL...
trying to reply to don on the his reply to oh-jj. Who ya calling an old coot you antique? Kidding aide, I bet you and i would have a good time diving together-when I get my act back together that is. Are you willing to share your dumbest dive???? I will share mine- even if you won't. It was about 20 yrs ago. Myself and 3 buddies went out of port o'conner tx. I arranged for us all to have diving gear and they were excited about it. That is til they got drunk-started acting stupid- and didn't want to dive and were really a pain in the ***. Well, dumbass me got pissed at them and i went by myself-- under an oilwell platform. YES- I know it was dumb- so no need to tell me. But I speared some snapper, gathered a couple of barnacles that were min of an inch-at the opening-and 3 or 4 inches tall. And beautiful for that matter, and still have them in the window in my bathroom. . But I went down to 50-60 ft and the fish were in the murky water- right at the bottom. Bumped my head on a big barnacle and when I surfaced with a little blood streaming down my face, the B**heads thought it was funny-even though they had to try to get the broken barnacles out of my head. I know- I know- dumb. And I won't do it again. Could have actually ended my life if I was to have hit my head harder or a shark liked the smell of my blood. But what made it great was we went back to trying to catch some kingfish, 8 were caught and I got 6 of them. Another thing just occured to me that maybe you have an answer for. The triggerfish were so hungry we couldn't get a bait to the bottom without them stealing it at 10 to 20 ft. So I got an empty coke bottle, cut the top off, put my hook and bait in first and then my weight on top of that. Put it in the h2o, filled it with water and let 'er rip. Believe it or not, it worked. Gotta be a better way tho. Know of a better way to get a bait to the bottom to avoid the triggers and angelfish?? Whole story off the subject, but thought you may find it interesting. you old coot!!!!
Some thoughts on the boat design etc.

Put in a permenant ladder on the transom down to water level. The stories of everyone jumping off the boat and then finding the ladder was not down so no way to get back onboard still give me a chill down my neck.

To dive safely from a sail boat you need at least 2 people on deck not 1 at all times. The location of the helm means that the person stearing cannot see the water anywhere near the front of the boat so it is really easy to run over a diver.

A better solution is to dive from a rubber duck and just use the sailboat as a base however that does leave the nondiver sitting in a small inflatable while everyone else is having fun diving.

Air supply for the compressor. If the compressor is going to be permenantly located in the engine compartment how can you insure that the input air is not contaminated by exhaust or other fumes. Remember that there is vibration, a damp salt atmosphere, rust etc. Its going to be hard on any trunking you install.
Where are you going to run the whip's to, this needs carefull thought as the tanks are heavy and you don't want them rolling around while they are being filled.

I would not bother with nitrox, I think this would be far to much trouble on a sailboat.

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