Foot problems with jets - myth or reality?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Moses Lake, Washington
# of dives
500 - 999
Just curious - I was doing a dive last night and the instructor (working on my AOW) commented on my fins (XXL Jets) that they are nice, but hard on the feet for long surface swims. He said they had been discontinued by the navy because of foot related problems with their divers, including stress fractures during long surface swims. Any one know if there's any truth to this myth? (I've searched and could not find anything) I still find them great, and using a stiff boot I'm not worried, they work great for my surface swims also.

Anyway - comments appreciated.

Never heard that one before. Also- I've had no problems and have been diving jets for 18 years now. I think he was trying to sell you new fins :wink:
yup - I made it clear that I didn't need new fins and was VERY happy with my Jets. Although he doesn't work directly for a shop . . . he is an instructor they hire when they are too busy.

I know there are lots of "myths" that get circulated around to increase sales of the latest greatest new gear. . . (or so it seems)

... He said they had been discontinued by the navy because of foot related problems with their divers, including stress fractures during long surface swims. Any one know if there's any truth to this myth? ...

Can't comment on the Navy, but my dive buddy from AOW is a Coast Guard trained rescue swimmer with the secret service and they issue them Jets (no spring straps). Can't imagine that they would still be using Jets to protect the President if there was a documented problem with them.

I'm confident a "Navy" surface swim is a little different that the surface most of us do when cruising to the local drop in.

I got a broken leg on the mend - and my ankle is still swollen like a mortadella. And I'm diving 'em. No worries.

Sounds like another "myth" put to rest . . . like I said, even "if" it were true - I aint' givn' up ma' jets -lol


P.S. I'll have to ask him what his source was for the info when I see him next ("if" I see him again - might just politely ask for another instructor.)

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