Flower Gardens Trip

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You have given me hope. I am scheduled to go out in two weeks, and I have watched one weekend after another get blown out.

Glad you had a great trip. How were the currents and surge?

Two Bit - I hope you get to go out!!! I have been told I just "come alive" when I talk about my Flower Garden trip - it was so awesome! I must admit - this was only the second time I had to deal with a lot of current. I dove Roatan in April of last year and it was rough - when the wind got up this weekend - it was a little wicked for me - :) But, they put out lines on each side of the boat to help you get over to the anchor line - so it's not too bad once you get used to it! I really didn't notice much surge though - of course, after seeing hammerheads and a manta the size of my car - I probably couldn't have told you my name!! :) Best of luck! Sandy

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