'FWC says Florida law states boaters must stay within 100 feet of a diving flag in a channel'
Forgiving the typo in the article, and not being familiar with the local laws I would suggest that it has been misinterpreted. I don't believe it could be allowed practice for any diver to close a channel, at any time just from deciding to dive there?
I would guess there must be a be caveat such as:
A dive flag must not encroach within 100' of a channel.
It's clear from the video that on entrance to the channel that from the boat the starboard side flag would be hidden by the bridge, and no one should reasonably expect such a channel to be closed be two small flags at the exit.
Of all the rules nothing supersedes good seamanship. The options from the start of the video were to shut down, drift into the bridge and try to tie off with minimal damage, or proceed with caution. A motor boat could just back out and there would be no issue.
I'm not saying the boat was without fault, far from it but there is at least equal blame in this situation.
Forgiving the typo in the article, and not being familiar with the local laws I would suggest that it has been misinterpreted. I don't believe it could be allowed practice for any diver to close a channel, at any time just from deciding to dive there?
I would guess there must be a be caveat such as:
A dive flag must not encroach within 100' of a channel.
It's clear from the video that on entrance to the channel that from the boat the starboard side flag would be hidden by the bridge, and no one should reasonably expect such a channel to be closed be two small flags at the exit.
Of all the rules nothing supersedes good seamanship. The options from the start of the video were to shut down, drift into the bridge and try to tie off with minimal damage, or proceed with caution. A motor boat could just back out and there would be no issue.
I'm not saying the boat was without fault, far from it but there is at least equal blame in this situation.