Florida offshore oil rigs

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This post did get off track somewhat. So lets go back :) I think diving around an oil rig will be cool.

Where will you be diving from since global warming will melt all the ice?:D

Noah passed away along time ago and the plans were in his head. That was your only hope.

A politician said that. He also invented the internet.:D
Hi Capt: Been visiting them since the late 1940's and I am sure we will never make any converts....no question during the period of the 1940's thru the early 1980's we had a lot of problems with the indurstry, but that is no longer the case.....my reason for the post is to ask "what beaches .....the only ones I know about are Grand Isle and the Cajun Riviera (Holly Beach)...Ha, Ha!!

.......and Holly Beach is his-to-ry, thanks to Rita........
Why Florida should allow offshore oil rigs other than just for the oil.

YouTube - MP 311

Captain, looks like some of the fools here will never accept it----if they only knew...........great video, btw...............
it will take time to actually start to use the oil we will get from the rigs off florida, BUT if we do start the act alone will strengthen then stock market, boost the economy, and ease some of the insecurity we face now. the effects will be immediate.

rick has been absolutely correct in everything he has stated thus far. the drilling process used now causes zero leakage. in fact, there is more oil seeping through the ocean floor naturally than is spilled when AMERICANS drill. drilling WILL be taking place off the coast by someone. why would we lease the locations to countries that historically could care less what damage they cause to the environment? if there is drilling going to happen I would rather it be by the US where we have regulations, watch-dogs, and yes even the environmentalist crazies who will be sure to make things be as safe as technology can provide. think the chinese care if someone from an environmentalist group pickets or causes a fuss or refuses to vote for them in the next election? no. America can do a better, safer job than anyone else, so it is my STRONG opinion that it should be us to do it. i do constant research and keep up with this situation because it is important to the country to do something.

with that said, do I think this is the long term answer? no. this is simply something to get us by until we get other fuel sources such as coal-to-oil, nuclear, wind, solar, and as many other alternatives that are beneficial as we can. as to the so-called "flex-fuel" ethanol, it is not as advantageous as the politicians and environmentalists like to make it seem. it is causing problems with our food supply, is costing farmers money (being from a farming family and community, I see this first hand), costing the government money, and causing just as much damage as it helps. it simply pushes the focus somewhere else. drilling here or alaska, and preferably both, is the answer to get us through the tough times we are in now. it creates jobs, both in the field and in the industrial sect. the disadvantage is the view on the horizon, which you wont even see from the shore.

it creates habitats for animals, grows coral, and provides great diving. can't beat that.
How does the increase in corn prices cost farmers money?
The British are much better at off shore drilling than we are. Look at the North Sea.
There are no more American Oil Companies. They have American Branches but Exxon et al. are global and have been for years. The oil they suck out of the Gulf and Alaska gets sold on the global market, the same global market that jumps $11. one day then drops $1. the next.
The more oil we find the the more we delay fixing the problem.
If ethanol is hard on aluminum tubes in cars, use something else!
There was a SCOTUS ruling today on the Exxon Valdez punitive damages. Since punitive damages aren't actually punitive anymore, there is little incentive to drill carefully. No multinational is going to go to any great lengths to protect Florida reefs, coasts or wildlife if the cost of an oil spill cleanup doesn't come with severe financial penalties.
Thought you all might find this interesting as well:

SA Cox, CR Beaver, QR Dokken, and JR Rooker. DIVER-BASED UNDER WATER SURVEY TECHNIQUES USED TO ASSESS FISH POPULATIONS AND FOULING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS PLATFORM STRUCTURES. In: MA Lang, CC Baldwin (Eds.) The Diving for Science…1996, "Methods and Techniques of Underwater Research", Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences Sixteenth Annual Scientific Diving Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. RRR ID: 4689
According to the reports I have seen it would take at least 5-10 years to see any effect on supply from off shore drilling. That won't make much difference in our current gas prices.
Great logic! Don't start med school today; it'll take 5 -10 years before you start making any money!
Lets just say if they would have allowed oil drilling 10 years ago off Florida then we may not be in this mess we have today. There is enough oil off our shores to tell OPEC where to go. Sooner or later we will drill. At some point in time the oil from overseas will run out and we will have to go into regions that have been closed off to drilling. Think about it ... $4 a gallon gas is bad but at least to can find it at all the gas stations ...... 20 years down the road we may be paying $12 a gallon and have to wait in line for rationing with coupons because there isn't enought gas stations open with supply to sell.

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