Florida Middle Grounds Report

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SM Diver

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Tampa Bay
Including myself, a group of 5 met up in Port Richey (Pasco County on the Gulfcoast, north of Clearwater) at 5:00AM. I am sure the sleeping neighbors near my boat lift appreciated hearing about 500#s of ice crashing from coolers into my Venture's fish lockers, tanks slamming into the dock, not to mention the birage of "f-bombs" and jokes of imminent gunnel hunches.

The group included myself, at least one other scubaboard member (who shall remain nameless to protect him from the stigma of being on my boat:D), and three others, for a total of five shooters.

The first spot was a wreck that was 130fsw at the bottom. John did bring up a nice AJ and some mangos, and Chris had some nice gags and mangos.

My first dive was in 115 fsw at the bottom, with the top at 90. Suprisingly, it was not that "fishy" at all. Saw a bunch of triggers and short grouper. I was waiting for a hog, but if I had it to do over again I would have started blasting those triggers in hopes of creating enough commotion to draw in some hogs or grouper. Not to mention, triggers are mighty fine eating. Fortunately, the other spots we hit held some nice fish.

Most of the remaining spots we hit were in between 85 and 105 feet.

Visability was not great by Middle Grounds standards. It was about 40 feet, with a lot of suspended white "seasnot" in the water.

Two very nice Middle Grounds hogs were speared, the biggest by John (17#s), and Rusty had a 15#. To see John's very nice 17# hogster, click this link: http://www.npr-florida.com/johnhog.jpg.

Also, fellow scubaboarder (you know who you are), hell of a nice 15# hog.

Made it back to the dock at 8:00PM with a nice haul of grouper, triggers, hogs, mangos, and an AJ for good measure.

I'm hooked on diving out there, and will be making the trip as frequently as time and money permit.

For those of you not familiar with the Middle Grounds, it is in the Gulf of Mexico, with incredible structure that rises in a series of plateaus and valley's, with ledges up to 50'.

For you photographers, read my offer in the Photography section of scubaboard. I am looking for a photographer to come out with us, and you can see the details by going to that thread.

Oh, more more thing, unbelievably nice weather this trip, with retention pond type seas IN THE GROUNDS. Can't say that often enough.

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