Florida Keys diving from your own boat?

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San Antonio, Texas, United States
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0 - 24
Rather than going through a local dive operator, is it possible to rent a boat and dive the sites of the Keys on your own for a week?

I am able to find plenty of places to rent boats by the week, but cannot find references to people diving from their own boats or rented boats. Of course, my question assumes the boat has been properly equipped. I think it's prudent to have the O2, cell phone, radio, gps, etc. to ensure you have most of your bases covered in case of an emergency.

Also, I would not anchor off on sand and run the risk of resurfacing to find the boat drifted off. Are there mooring bouys along any of the dive sites?

Diving from our 20' Sea Ray at the local lake is fun if you can get past the 5' visibility, but having 30+ dive sites in your back yard as a Keys resident I would have thought there would be a lot more on the subject. The lack of material leads me to believe it is not legal or safe.

Most local divers dive from their own boats (if they own boats), and many visitors trailer their boats to the Keys. Those who fly in and rent a car have the options of renting boats, or going out on charter boats.

While most dive charters are fully equipped and staffed to deal with the logistical considerations and potential on-the-water emergencies, you'd be hard-pressed to find a rental boat with an o2 kit aboard. If you're good at planning and execution, and you posess good seamanship skills, renting a boat to go diving is a viable and enjoyable option.

Moorings are installed on most of the popular dive sites throughout the Keys. They are free-of-charge, and available to anyone on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please use them if at all possible... your boat is much more likely to be there when you come up from your dive. Anchoring in the Keys is practically an art form!

Take along a bubblewatcher if at all possible... someone who can operate the boat safely, and execute a live pick-up if necessary. Make sure you have and use a dive flag (the penalty for not doing so is stiff); and make sure you have and use accurate nav aids to avoid grounding (or worse)... there's a lot of skinny water here, even well offshore!

Dive safely, have fun, and never stop learning!
Good advise from Brent on the boat safety. I'll stress one thing he pointed out, have someone on the boat who is capable of driving it from the moored or anchored site to do a diver pick up.

The mooring balls get used a lot and sometimes the lines become weak and break. I've had that happen on our dive boat several times. Just keep that in mind and be safe.

Good Diving,

Good Diving,
I live in the keys and dive from my own boat, the only time I use the charters are for the wrecks or when family comes by and want to dive in seas too big for my little boat
A word of caution about boating the Florida Keys...the waters here can be tricky to navigate. Be sure to study your charts; local knowledge can make the difference between a nice day on the water and a major disaster. Fines for running aground in the FK Natl Marine Sanctuary are astronomical so be careful!
I wouldn't even try it unless you have marine blue charts loaded into a gps. Like someone was saying it's a tough deal when you don't know the area. There are more buoys down there than you can shake a stick at, make sure you use a trail line too. Top side help is great if you can find it or have a non-diver in the group. Without one stay away from dives on the Bibb or Dwane. Have a blast!!

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