Monterey's not that cold, you get used to 50 degree's after a few min.. lol.... i dive a semi-dry 7 mm. and haven't had too much of a problem. breakwatter is a great place to get in a quick dive, the breakwatter wall has alot of stuff to see in it, the only problem is the "90% of instructos do their ow classes there" so unless you get out past the class' there will be alot of silt in the already low vis watter. another good dive is hole in the wall/hidden beach, i've heard it called both. it's almost directly across the street from the monterey bay dive center. i work in emeryville/oakland at the oakland port, haven't seen any dive shop's around yet, but i also have a good lds in the central vally where i live, so i haven't really been looking either, their small but really good on customer service. that and i am friend's/dive buddy's with one of the owners
. i am availabale most weekend's, have friday and saturday's off, so if you need (yet another offer) a dive buddy let me know.